Larry Smith wrote on Sat, Nov 22, 2008 01:57 AM UTC:
The points could be noted as 'a' to 'i' for the file and 1 to 5 for the rank. The cells can be 'a' to 'h' for the file and 6 to 9 for the rank.
Thus an orthogonal slide from c5 could be to b6-b9 or c6-c9. And a diagonal slide could be from c5 to a6 or d6-g9.
Coming from the other side: an orthogonal slide could be from c6 to c5 or d5. A diagonal slide from c6 could be b5-a4 or e5-i1.
So the Rooks and Chariots would have equal expression across the field, The Chariots would be restricted in the opening by the Pawn structure of the Mad Queen side, likewise the Rooks would also be restricted until they have been developed.
Those pieces which become immobilized might be allowed their expression from the MQ to the XQ. Only changing state upon actually landing on a point.
Though the Cannons and Grasshoppers do present a problem. The Cannon could be restricted to only Grasshopper move when crossing the 'Magic River'.
Just a thought.