Under 'compelled Moves', there should be a final notice that
'Sometimes it is possible to make a saving move with some other piece than
the compelled one. For example, suppose that your Basilisk has been pushed
onto an occupied square, and so is compelled to move off, but has no legal
move; if you can engulf your own Basilisk with a leaf pile, you have
removed the condition causing the compulsion, and therefore you have saved
the game.'
And, under 'Interactions',
'If a Go Away which is compelled to flee an enemy Ghast is next to the
Ghast, it can scream GO AWAY! instead of moving. It ends its turn one move
further away than it started and so it has met the compulsion to flee.
A Leaf Pile which is next to a Ghast can engulf the Ghast; as it then no
longer needs to flee, its compulsion has been satisfied.'