'You know, the thought occurred to me that if the characteristics of pieces changed when they fuse or fission, then check could be given by a piece that was part of a compound that could not give check...' - Joe Joyce [2007-10-10]
This comment, raises some interesting possibilities. In the following diagram [White] has Rook+Nightrider compound (h8), Bishop (h1), King (b1). [Black] has King (a8), Rook (b7). Splitting the Nightrider off by moving h8-b5 blocks the check by the Rook (b7) and checkmates with the Rook (h8).
'You know, the thought occurred to me that if the characteristics of pieces changed when they fuse or fission, then check could be given by a piece that was part of a compound that could not give check...' - Joe Joyce [2007-10-10]
This comment, raises some interesting possibilities. In the following diagram [White] has Rook+Nightrider compound (h8), Bishop (h1), King (b1). [Black] has King (a8), Rook (b7). Splitting the Nightrider off by moving h8-b5 blocks the check by the Rook (b7) and checkmates with the Rook (h8).