Cataclysm. Large board game with short-range pieces designed to be dramatic without being overly complicated or dragging on too long. (12x16, Cells: 192) [All Comments][Add Comment or Rating]
F+W=325, B4+W=450, R4+F=550, N+F+W=625, and N+F+W+A+D=850
are my tentative values for some pieces on a 12x12 board. On the second row: Commoner, Elephant, Tiger, Centaur and the Lioness from Typhoon, Adrian King's high piece density 12x12 variant. See todays comment to Typhoon for more details on my calculations. I gave the Centaur a high value, but it is the only piece in your game that can leap to an empty square. Your Sorceress is a more restrained piece than the Lioness. Shall we say 800 points value in the endgame for a Sorceress? Recently I have used the Free Padwar (under the name Great Elephant) from Jetan. This colorbound version of the Sorceress moves one or two squares like a Ferz. Note that the maximum possible move for a Bishop on a 16x12 board is the same as on a square 12x12 board. Rooks and Cannons (up to 15 squares sideways) gain a little on your board, while short range pieces lose a little, compared to the 12x12 board. Pawns remain a mystery.
A Rook+Cannon+Knight piece can be found in the historical Chinese Chess variant YiTong. The War Machine in Fantasy Grand Chess The Dwarven Army moves as Rook+Cannon+Sekisho (Stone General - one square diagonally forward). Offhand, I would value your Grand Rook somewhere between a Queen and a pair of Rooks.
P=100, N=300, B=375, R=600, Q=(1075 to 1100)
F+W=325, B4+W=450, R4+F=550, N+F+W=625, and N+F+W+A+D=850
are my tentative values for some pieces on a 12x12 board. On the second row: Commoner, Elephant, Tiger, Centaur and the Lioness from Typhoon, Adrian King's high piece density 12x12 variant. See todays comment to Typhoon for more details on my calculations. I gave the Centaur a high value, but it is the only piece in your game that can leap to an empty square. Your Sorceress is a more restrained piece than the Lioness. Shall we say 800 points value in the endgame for a Sorceress? Recently I have used the Free Padwar (under the name Great Elephant) from Jetan. This colorbound version of the Sorceress moves one or two squares like a Ferz. Note that the maximum possible move for a Bishop on a 16x12 board is the same as on a square 12x12 board. Rooks and Cannons (up to 15 squares sideways) gain a little on your board, while short range pieces lose a little, compared to the 12x12 board. Pawns remain a mystery.
A Rook+Cannon+Knight piece can be found in the historical Chinese Chess variant YiTong. The War Machine in Fantasy Grand Chess The Dwarven Army moves as Rook+Cannon+Sekisho (Stone General - one square diagonally forward). Offhand, I would value your Grand Rook somewhere between a Queen and a pair of Rooks.