[2007-03-01] 'A queen that captures as a king would be a tricky piece to use.' - Joe Joyce
The Marshall moves as the standard Queen, but can only capture like the standard King in Tom Hartley's NAPOLEONIC CHESS..
The Assassin moves without capturing like a Queen, and captures like a King, in the Evil Horde, one of several armies invented for Peter Hatch's Fantasy Grand Chess. I do not know how much playtesting has been done with these variants. [EDIT] changed the NAPOLEONIC CHESS link to a more recent version.
[2007-03-01] 'A queen that captures as a king would be a tricky piece to use.' - Joe Joyce
The Marshall moves as the standard Queen, but can only capture like the standard King in Tom Hartley's NAPOLEONIC CHESS..
The Assassin moves without capturing like a Queen, and captures like a King, in the Evil Horde, one of several armies invented for Peter Hatch's Fantasy Grand Chess. I do not know how much playtesting has been done with these variants. [EDIT] changed the NAPOLEONIC CHESS link to a more recent version.