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Sudoku Chess ZIP file. Missing description[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Pyrrhon wrote on Mon, Aug 28, 2006 07:34 AM UTC:
I want make an overview about crossovers between chess and sudoku.


  • Chess Sudoku (The digits 1-8 and a chess piece in each row, column, and region. Each piece should attack the numbers 1-8 exactly once. (proposal, discussion and examples)
  • Slightly Modified Chess Sudoku (The digits 1-8 and a chess piece in each row, column, and region. Each piece can attack the numbers 1-8 exactly once.)
  • White Knight Sudoku (each row, column and box contains the digits 1-8, a white chess knight, no white knight attacks one other knight) (example)
  • Black Knight Sudoku (each row, column and box contains the digits 1-8 and a black chess knight, every knight attacks at least one other) (example)
  • Black and White Knight Sudoku (each row, column and box contains the digits 1-7, a black chess knight and a white chess knight, every black knight attacks at least one other black knight, no white knight attacks one other white knight) (example)
  • Knight and Queen Sudoku (each row, column and box contains the digits 1-8 and a white chess knight or a white queen (one per puzzle), no chess piece attacks one other) (example)
  • White Queen Sudoku (each row, column and box contains the digits 1-8, and a white chess queen, no white queen attacks one other queen)
  • Anti-Knight Sudoku (each row, column and box contains the digits 1-9, no digit is knight-move connected with the same digit) (example)
  • Anti-Knight Sudoku X (each row, column, box and both main diagonals contain the digits 1-9, no digit is knight-move connected with the same digit) (example)
  • Sudoku with chess piece pattern (example)


Hints to other chess sudoku crossover are welcome.