Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, May 22, 2005 08:35 PM EDT:
There is an error in MAXIMA preset, I am trying to make the move: 39... n
d4-b4, capturing Pawn on c4, Check, ...But it appears on screen the
following message:'An immobilized piece may only commit suicide'. My
Long-Leaper is not immobilized, it is adjacent to my own immobilizer. Can
someone help me?. This is a game of the Tournament, and my time is running
and I can´t make my move. I may try another move, but it can be  inferior,
or, in every case, I have selected the move above and not another one.
Please, revise what is happening and help me.