Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sat, Mar 26, 2005 11:23 PM UTC:
No many players have the courage to play this exigent variant in the World,
and the reasons are clear:
I have read about this variant. The main rules are:
1.- Played with computers as interface, an empty board displayed in each
2.- After a move, the move appears in both screens during a lapse of time,
usually one second, and the move dissapears on boths screens and the
adversary`s clock is activated.
3.- The computer does not allow illegal moves, it is programmed to avoid
illegal moves.
4.- Total time is 25 minutes, plus 20 seconds added in each move for the
player which makes the move.
5.- You can`t ask for the entire position, but it is allowed ask the
arbiters about a punctual position: ('Is my Queen in e2?'), only during
the current time the clock is running for the player who asks. The only
answers the arbiters can give are : 'Yes' or 'No'. The maximum number
of questions is usually stablished previously. If it is a Tournament, the
rules are stablished by the organizers. I`m not enterely sure, but I think
in Amber only one question is allowed in each move, you can`t ask the
arbiters twice during one of your turns.

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