Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

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HaruN Y wrote on Mon, Oct 21 02:36 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Alfilrider appeared in Skip Chess, Universal Chess, UC-170-13, UC-170-17.

Alibaba appeared in 4 Kings Quasi-Shatranj, Alibaba Chess, Fantasy Grand Chess: Giant Army, Interdependent Chess, Leap Chess, Modern Courier Chess, The Pattern Game, Shatranj al-Sultan, Pocket Polypiece Chess 43, Universal Chess, UC-170-13, UC-170-17, Dealer's Chess, Convoi exceptionnel II, Convoi exceptionnel III, Play against Popo, Trifecta.

Alibabarider appeared in Skip Chess.

Auroch appeared in Dealer's Chess.

Barc appeared in UC-170-13, UC-170-17, Crab Chess.

Champion appeared in Omega Chess Advanced, Apothecary Chess-Modern, Grand Apothecary Chess-Modern, Gross Chess, Parity Chess, SOHO Chess, TenCubed Chess, WAD Chess, Wide Nightrider Chess, Wide SOHO Chess, Wormhole Chess, Mĕirìqí, Yangsi, Hectochess, Omega Chess Extended, Omega Chess Semi-Advanced, Omega Chess Extreme.

Crab appeared in Amazon Army II, DemiChess, Half Chess, Halfgi, UC-170-13, UC-170-17, Shatranj With Different Armies, Aquachess, Crab Chess.

Dabbaba-Wazir-Fers appeared in Chess++, Cobwebs.

Dabbabarider appeared in Skip Chess, Universal Chess, UC-170-13, UC-170-17, XChess.
Problems with Dabbabarider:
-Nils Adrian Bakke
153 feenschach 36, p. 374, 11-12/1976
-Theodor Steudel
63 feenschach 162, p. 217, 12/2005

Dabbabarider-Wazir appeared in Traffic Calmed Borders.

Duck appeared in Scheherazade, Colorbound Chess.

Duke appeared in Grand Betza, Short Sliders, Zwangkrieg, Uneven pieces chess, Patchanka, Constabulary Chess, Constable-Spiel, Med Chess, Accelerated Constable-Spiel, Accelerated Constabulary Chess, Futashikana Shogi, Ryugi, Mosaic Chess, Chu Seireigi, Minjiku Shogi, Tengu Dai Shogi, Chu Kagamigi, 4 Kings Quasi-Shatranj, Dai Seireigi, Nutty Shogi, Macadamia Shogi, Kirin-Spiel, Mitsugumi Shogi, Kuuzen Dai Shogi, Cashew Shogi, Bureau-Spiel, Universal Chess, UC-170-13, UC-170-17, Dealer's Chess.

Ferfil appeared in 3D Great Shatranj, 4 Kings Quasi-Shatranj, Champagne Chess, Courier Chess (modified), Enhanced Courier Chess, Fearful fairies, Hannibal Chess, HyperModern Shatranj, Maasai Chess, Metamachy, Mir Chess, Teramachy, Universal Chess, UC-170-13, UC-170-17, Constabulary Chess, Constable-Spiel, Bureau-Spiel, Simi Grove, Simi River, Wukong.

General appeared in UC-170-13, UC-170-17.

Griffon appeared in Apothecary Chess-Modern, Europan Chess, Ganymede Chess, Grand Apothecary Chess-Classic, Grand Apothecary Chess-Modern, IO Chess, Mosaic Chess, Tigrey, Gryphon Aanca Chess, Frog/Hannibal/Waffle chess with Gryphon, 4 Linepiece Fusion, Expanded Chess, Royal Lion Chess, Abecedarian Big Chess, Universal Chess, UC-170-13, UC-170-17, Dealer's Chess, 15 Random Bent Riders Chess.

Impala appeared in Dealer's Chess.
Christopher John Feather
7 Fairings 14 01/2011 features Impala.

Knight-Alfil-Wazir appeared in Scheherazade, Strategists' nightmare.

Knight-Dabbaba-Fers appeared  in Strategists' nightmare.

Lynx appeared in Lynx Chess.

Mao-Bishop appeared in Paradigm Chess30.

Squirrel appeared in ArchCourier Chess, Archchess, Carrousel Chess, Courier Chess (modified), Fantasy Grand Chess: Giant Army, Grand Ducal Chess, Renniassance Chess, Samarcanda, Trophy Hunt, Alibaba Chess, Timurid, Fantastic XIII, Obento Chess, Cincinnati 4-way Chess, Heavy Shako, Bigorra, Archabbott Chess, Timurid Babur, Chess Empire, UC-170-13, UC-170-17, Dealer's Chess, Strategists' nightmare.

Toad appeared in Chaturanga with minor changes.

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