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George Duke wrote on Wed, Aug 19, 2015 04:16 PM UTC:
This CV (slight correction 21.Aug) has new Mutator.  Wizard of Oz is a decimal variant rated G,
reluctantly leaving out a feature for a later subvariant.  You've heard
the Communist interpretation of the 1939 film after the 1900 book:
where Strawman is agrarian proletariat and Tinman industrial worker. Now
the line-up is: Tinman-Lion-Scarecrow-Toto-WW-Wizard-Toto-Scarecrow-Lion-Tinman on
10x10.  All pieces move as usual except WW(Q) and W(K) on YBR.  The Yellow
Brick Road runs six spaces diagonally connected but one orthogonal
adjacency, h3-g4-f5-e5-d6-c7.  The other correspondences are
Scarecrow/Bishop, Lion/Knight, Tinman/Rook. Ten regular Pawns represent
citizens of both Oz and Munchkin, but subvariants could separate their

There is not WoO CV til this one, though there are WoO Chess sets (  There are CVs with both "Wizard" and "Witch" in title.  Nahbi is coincidentally only a few spaces from Nemeroth in the alphabetical index, since Lawson mentions non-General Nemeroth; the protypical 'G' rating in that  index would be allegorical Wizard of Oz, ran the process, innocently actual tract for socialism to rein in earlier billionaires and environment travesty --  whoa Rated X, G is X., paired Toto is Nahbi in this first WoO CV, and others may experiment with different p-ts to go with the standard six RNBKQP.  Toto as dog is appropriately Nahbi because in Korean "nahbi" means Cat, hence dog equals cat.

Normal Rules for capture and checkmate, so how does the YBR work? When
piece/pawn is on one of the six, its Move is bipartite.  First it must make
its move onto the same square as another unit (the new Mutator) of either color momentarily. 
There is no effect in the temporary co-occupancy.  Then its actual
completed Move is from that temporary spot by way of (another) normal move in any direction.
The completed move either occupies vacant square or captures opponent on arrival square, just like any regular move when not on YBR.  The
two legs are one single Move.  When not on YBR there is just the one usual
Movement or leg of its piece-type.  This Mutator solves the too-great-spacing problem always apparent on ten by ten.

The provisional cell must be available from the YBR location, otherwise it cannot move at all.  In general, being on one of the designated central YBR six expands greatly
the number of options, the move tree. The fact of asymmetry in location of the six squares makes for interesting ongoing experimentation; initially maintained is that it slightly disadvantages first-mover White to have the Road closer to her, bringing about balance towards true equality.

  This Mutator is kin to the pair of CVs Duniho's
Extra Move and Bonham's Option Chess in giving more choices, but it works
by spacing not the number of Move it is (Extra Move is already open-ended but subvariants could be more restrictive). On dwarven 64 make the YBR simple c3-d4-e4-f5.

The Wizard, as King, also can move along, but not off, the Yellow Brick Road without an
intermediary to sit on temporarily.  And Wicked Witch, as Queen, does not
do the provisional step at all, but is forced, when on one of the Yellow six as departure, to move regularly at least one
step along that YBR then continue same direction (so WW is plainly impeded  by YBR, losing choices).  The only piece always retarded by  being on YBR is the Wicked Witch.  But the Wicked Witch is still of more value than the Tinman probably an operational 5 to 6 or 6.5.

At once we potentially solve all three: (1) Spacing on decimal; (2) Computer dominance by entering enlarged move tree; (3) White first-move advantage by trials positioning the six special squares.

[Added next day: the bipartite Move from ybr is of course progressive two-step, no back-step whence it originates, and no null move; then 21.Aug.2015 intended array corrected as above now RNB-Nahbi/Toto....]

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