Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To David Paulowich wrote on Tue, Sep 29, 2009 10:23 PM EDT:Joe writes: 'Gee, Larry, don't you know the only description of the knight's move is 'out 2 and over 1'? (Or was that up 1 and over 2?) Anyway, that has to be the description because that's how you count the move out in 4D chess.' On the other hand, the nonleaping Horse in Xiangqi first moves one space orthogonally followed by one more space diagonally outward. And according to the rules of Wormhole Chess, 'The Knight moves as a Knight in FIDE Chess, one space orthogonally, then one space in an outward diagonal direction, jumping over intervening pieces.' While the Knight ignores any pieces occupying the squares it passes over, it still must follow the underlying geometry of the board. In Wormhole Chess this board geometry is constantly changing, so the exact definition of the Knight's move will affect its destination squares. Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID Philosophy does not match any item.