Check out Chess with Different Armies, our featured variant for July, 2024.

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Joe Joyce wrote on Sun, Aug 23, 2009 06:58 AM UTC:
I agree that there should be a separate thread, but that prevents our
observer from posting. What might be the possibilities of using a
guest/guest username/password, and allowing the poster to type 'an
observer' at the bottom, where some of us put our names or pseudonyms

As for fun and games, please take a look at the Game Courier log files.
Without naming anyone in particular, I can tell you that Carlos, Jeremy,
and Vitya are playing some games to death. And I believe at least one of
them expressed some enjoyment in doing so, before we got this thread really
going. And, okay, I still enjoy the heck out of my games, and I usually
enjoy the games I play in exchange. I suspect most of the people who play
here do enjoy a rather wide range of variants, and that generally includes
their own.

(I know this isn't going to work, but) tell me about the golden age of, please. I'm always interested in hearing histories of this place.

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