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George Duke wrote on Tue, May 12, 2009 09:21 PM UTC:
'There was a young man in Rome, that was very much like Augustus Caesar;
Augustus took knowledge of it and sent for the man, and asked him, ''Was your
mother never at Rome?'' He answered, ''No, sir; but my father was.''
--Francis Bacon ///// There is previous thread ''Proliferation'' and
talk on subjective rules-sets gotten out of hand like a disease elsewhere.
Hence ''Proliferation9'' arbitrarily numbered. Let's introduce with
related topic 'Trading Games'.  Trading games and proliferation are like
the proverbial Horse and Carriage, they go together now. Trading games, heavy duty. In one sense
trading games is oxymoron in that no bloke wants another's CV. Trading
games is code word, or euphemism, within that minuscule subculture,
numbering 50 to 199 individuals worldwide, having and then actually playing
their very own CV -- optimisitically raising art to starter without falter.
It is zero sum, trading games, with rational mutual solution. You remember
the ABCD rectangular events-slot-chart of outcomes, and avoiding the death
of the prisoner, or the wreck of the ship, or the sepoy with the apple
crammed down his throat. Here are several interpretrations in follow-up of one underpinning of proliferation, trading games.

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