Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To Joe Joyce wrote on Sun, Mar 4, 2007 01:00 AM UTC:A queen-moves/king-capture piece is basically an Ultima Withdrawer in FIDE garb. It suffers from the same sorts of problems; the main one being that it's annoying, in my opinion. It's like arming a tank with a pistol. God's own speed, hits like a baby. Cut it down to a 3-square queen that captures like a king, and you've got a much more reasonable piece, again in my opinion, for a Napoleonics game. Tom Hartley's NAPOLEONIC CHESS looks interesting, but I'd love to hear/see how it plays. I'd also love to play a Napoleonic board wargame against him sometime; his variants reek of wargame; I like that in a designer. But I'm still iffy about the play quality of his game. I'd like to make a comment, but there's no way to attach it to the game page that I saw. I'll look again. The Peter Hatch Evil Horde army is another interesting-looking shortrange army with heavy rook tendencies. The Q-K piece fits better here thematically. But I, like David, question how well the armies were balanced by playtesting before the game was posted. Be interesting to hear about play results from both games. Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID Long and Short does not match any item.