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rlavieri2003 wrote on Thu, Jul 7, 2005 01:00 PM UTC:
Yoshiharu Habu, 31 y.o., is the Shogi Champion. Shogi is widely played in Japan, a country in which there are around 10 million people who have played the game, and there are at least a few houndred thousands of regular players, but surprisingly, Western Chess is not well known in Japan, and the number of Chess players is ridiculous, making perhaps Japan the country with the lower relation: W/Chess players vs. population. Mr. Habu said the following, about Computer programs: '... In normal games, the computer is still far from the professional level. Its level can be compared, in the best of cases, to a 4-dan among amateurs [approximately 2300 strength in chess Elo terms. The first dan among professionals starts after the amateur 6-dan. To get a rough idea, the best Shogi players in the world, including Mr Habu, have a ranking of professional 9-dan.'. It seems that Shogi, for a while, is a bit more difficult to be dominated by a cyber-player. Time will tell.

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