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Grasshopper is a piececlopedia entry. It is categorized as: Not categorized.
Grasshopper. Moves along queenlines to first square after jumped over piece.
Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: T. R. Dawson.
Other Information
Invented in the year 1912. [1911-1913]. [1907-1917].
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See Also
Grasshopper Chess. Each player has eight additional grasshoppers. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Joseph Boyer.
Grasshopper Chess. Row of grasshoppers behind the pawns. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Joseph Boyer.
Grasshopper Chess. Each player has eight additional grasshoppers. Author: Antoine Fourrière. Inventor: Joseph Boyer.
Andernach-Grasshopper. Leaps on Queen-lines to move or capture, and any piece leapt over changes color. By Ben Good.
Circe-Grasshopper. Leaps on Queen-lines to move or capture, and any piece leapt over returns to its starting square. By Ben Good.
Contragrasshopper. Moves as queen but must always jump first. Author: Ben Good.
Einstein-Grasshopper. Leaps on Queen-lines to move or capture, and any piece leapt over changes type. By Ben Good.
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