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Abecedarian Big Chess (ABChess)
Pieces A-F

ABChess Home Page
Army Building
Pieces: G-M
Pieces: N-S
Pieces: T-Z
Rules and Stuff


Archbishop icon
Archbishop moves

Archbishop: 12 points
Reference: Capablanca's Chess

The Archbishop may move like a Bishop, sliding any clear distance along a diagonal, or like a Horse, with a (1,2) leap. When moving like a Horse the Archbishop ignores intervening pieces.



Bishop icon
Bishop moves

Bishop: 7 points
From orthodox chess

The Bishop may slide any clear distance along a diagonal. It may not leap over any piece, or move onto a square occupied by a friendly piece.



Camel icon
Camel moves

Camel: 4 points
Reference: Tamerlane's Chess

The Camel moves one square horizontally or vertically, turns 90 degrees, and continues three squares; or the opposite (three squares, turn, one square). In either case it ignores intervening pieces and leaps from square to square.



Dragon icon
Dragon moves

Dragon: 6 points
From fairy chess problems

The Dragon may move like a Horse, with a (1,2) leap. It may also move like an orthodox chess pawn, one square straight forward to an empty square or one square diagonally forward to a square occupied by an enemy.

The Dragon does not share the orthodox pawn's two-square forward movement from its starting position.



Eagle icon
Eagle moves

Eagle: 10 points
Reference: Tori Shogi

The Eagle moves forward diagonally like a Bishop, sliding any clear distance. It moves vertically backward like a Rook, sliding any clear distance. It moves straight forward or sideways one square. Finally, it moves diagonally backward one or two squares (but does not leap to do so).



Fad icon
Fad moves

Fad: 8 points
Reference: Chess With Different Armies

The Fad may move one square diagonally, or leap two squares diagonally, or leap two squares horizontally or vertically. The two-space moves ignore intervening pieces. Note that a Fad, like a Bishop or Camel, is bound to squares of one color.

The Fad's move combines the classic moves of the Ferz, Alfil, and Dabbabah, whence the name.

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Written by Glenn Overby II.
WWW page created: November 5, 2002.