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A Chaturanga Problem by Bas de Haas

In the fall of 2013, Bas de Haas published a Chaturanga problem in the monthly publication called De Schaakkoerier, published by De Motiefgroep Schaken, a Dutch organization of collections of items with chess motives, e.g., stamps with chess players, paintings of chess, special chess sets, etc. An earlier issue of the magazine was dedicated to chess variants. Bas dedicated his problem to father and son Bodlaender, the authors of the chess variants special issue of De Schaakkoerier. In the description, Bas called the problem simple ("eenvoudig") - is it for you?

White to mate in two moves
Rules of Chaturanga

White: King d6; General c8; Pawn d7
Black: King d8; Pawn b7 and d7

Bas de Haas, Schaakkoerier, 2013.

WWW page created: Oktober 15, 2013.
Written by: Hans Bodlaender.