Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

Game Courier Tournament 2019

The theme of the tournament is games invented by active members of the Chess Variant Pages community. A list of potential games was generated and participants voted on them. The nine selected games are:

Jean-Louis CazauxMetamachy
Carlos CetinaSymmetric Chess
Charles DanielColossus
Adam DeWittHectochess
Fergus DunihoGross Chess
Kevin PaceySac Chess
David PaulowichUnicorn Great Chess
Greg StrongOpulent Chess

The pairings are as follows:


The rules are as follows:

Time Controls

Pace:4 moves per week
Spare Time:14 days
Grace Time:24 hours
Extra Time:8 hours
Max Time:4 weeks
Bonus Time:6 hours for moving within 24 hours


If two players attain the same score, ties will be broken by the following methods in a topdown order:

Written by Greg Strong, incorporating text from previous tournaments written by Fergus Duniho
WWW Page Created: 18 Jan 2019.