Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

Nadvorney's Spherical Chess on Game Courier

Spherical Chess is an adaptation of Chess to a spherical board in which the files meet at the poles, and pieces are capable of both transpolar and circumpolar moves. The transpolar move of the Rook is straightforward enough that it is the same in other Spherical Chess variants. Unlike others, Nadvorney's gives the Bishop a color-changing transpolar move. This also bears on how Queens and Kings move, since a Queen moves as a Rook or a Bishop, and the King moves one space as a Queen. Each Knight has eight moves from any space on the board.

This preset enforces the rules, displays legal moves, and spots winning and draw conditions. To make the visualization of transpolar moves easier, it can be played on a display of two hemispheres. You can rotate them by choosing the files they meet at. They can be seen side-by-side in a landscape display or one-over-the-other in a portrait display. Desktops will default to the landscape display while mobile devices will usually use the portrait display, but you can set it to what you want. This game can also be played on a regular Chess board, which can make other moves easier to visualize. You can switch which type of board you're viewing the game on by changing themes.

Click the image for the preset:

Play Nadvorney's Spherical Chess

Written by Fergus Duniho
WWW Page Created: 3 March 2022