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Andernach-Grasshopper Helpmate Solution

David L. Brown
1st Place
USA vs GB Composing Match - Section I
h#3 b)bBe3



a) 1.Re4 AGd5(wRe4)+ 2.AGd3(bRe4) AGf3(wRe4)+ 3.AGf5(bRe4) Nd3#
b) 1.Bf4 AGf5(wBf4)+ 2.AGg4(bBf4) AGf3(wBf4)+ 3.AGe4(bBf4) Ng4#

The judge writes: With ordinary Grasshoppers the sequences Re4, G-d3-f5 & Nd3+ or Bf4, G-g4-e4 & Ng4+ wouldn't mate at all because one of the black Gs would guard the mating square. The AGs don't do so because they mustn't change the colour of their respective hurdle in the mating position. However, already AG-d3 or AG-g4 wouldn't work which is the reason why White has to join in. This problem shows AG effects galore in an elegant manner, light setting and most harmonizing phases. Still the problem doesn't realize all its potential as can be seen from a fine try in twin a), 1.Re4 AGd5+ 2.AGf4 AGf3+ 3.AGd3 Ng4+ 4.AGh4!, which isn't matched by twin b). Nonetheless, this is a clear 1st Place to me.

If there's something about this solution you don't understand you can email me (click on my underlined name below to find my e-mail address) and I can explain it to you.

This is an item in the Piececlopedia: an overview of different (fairy) chess pieces.
Written by Benjamin C Good.
WWW page created: August 14th, 2002.