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Magnetic Chess: 4 sample games

Joao Pedro Neto and Claude Chaunier invented Magnetic chess. Below, you find four sample games, sent to the Chess Variant Pages by Jim Aikin.


These four sample games, while not necessarily examples of uniformly inspired play, give a good idea of the energetic, almost chaotic quality of Magnetic Chess. All of the players, whose names have been withheld to avoid embarrassing those (including myself!) who made bad moves, were new to this particular variant. One of them, a seasoned CV player, remarked, In Magnetic Chess, the first move is the opening. Everything after that is the middle game. --Jim Aikin

Game 1

1. Nf3 (f7-f4)             Nf6 (-)
2. d3 (d7-d4, f3-h3)       e5 (e2-e4)
3. Be2 (-)                 Nc6 (Nf6-h6, c2-c5)
4. O-O (f2-f3)             Bxh3 (f3-g3)
5. Bxf4 (Bf8-f5)           exf4 (Bf5-f8, Rf1-f3)
6. Rxf4 (Bf8-f5)           o-o (Qd8-b8)
7. Qb3+ (b7-b4, d3-f3)     Be6 (Nc6-a6, e4-e5)
8. Rxf8+ (Qb8-e8, f3-f1)   Kxf8
9. Qf3+ (-)                Bhf5 (Qf3-f4)
10. Bxa6 (Be6-b6)          Rd8 (d4-d1=Q)
11. Be2  (e5-e7+)          Qxe7 (Be2-e6, c7-b7)
12. resigns  

Although white resigned at this point, 12. Nc3 (c5-c8=Q) appears to offer some possibilities.

Game 2

1. Nf3 (f7-f4)                   Nf6 (-)
2. e3 (Nf3-h3, e7-e4)            fxe3 (Nh3-f3, e4-e7)
3. dxe3 (Nf3-h3, e7-e4)          d5 (Qd1-d4)
4. Nc3 (c7-c4, e3-g3)            BxNh3 (-)
5. Qe5ch (-)                     Kf7
6. Bd2 (d5-d3)                   e3 (Qe5-e4, g3-f3)
7. Qxc4+ (-)                     Nc6 (Qc4-c5, Nf6-h6)
8. Qxe3 (f3-g3)                  Be6 (Qe3-e5, Nc6-a6)
9. Nd5 (Qd8-d6, d3-d4, Qe5-h5)+  Bxd5 (d4-d3, Qd6-d8, Qh5-e5)
10. Rc1 (c2-c8=Q)                resigns

Black is unable to play 10. ... Rxc8 because of (Rc1-c7+). White has no immediate attack on the black king in spite of the two queens, but black has no good plays.

Game 3

1. Nf3 (f7-f4)              Nc6 (c2-c5)
2. Nc3 (Nf3-h3)             Nf6 (Nc6-a6, f4-f3)
3. gxf3 (Nc3-a3, Nf6-f4)    Nxh3 (f3-g3)
4. Bxh3 (g3-b3, h7-h4)      e6 (e2-e5)
5. Rf1 (f2-f7)+             Ke7
6. d3 (d7-d4)               Nxc5 (Bc4, e5-d5)
7. dxe6 (-)                 a6 (Na3-a5, e6-b6)
8. Bxc8 (Ra8-b8)

Ingenious -- 8. ... Rxc8 (Qe8) loses the queen to the pawn, while Qxc8 (Bg8) loses a bishop.

8. ...                      cxb6 (b3-b5)
9. Nc6+ (-)                 resigns

At this point, 9. ... bxc6 (Bc8-c7) loses the queen. Kd6 does also, because of the fork. But black might play 9. ... g6 (Nc6-f6).

Game 4

1. Nf3 (f7-f4)                 Nc6 (c2-c5)
2. b4 (f4-c4, b7-b5)           d5 (d4)
3. Rg1 (g2-g6)                 Nxb4 (Nb1-b3, b5-b8)
4. Bh3 (Nf3-c3, h2-h1, h7-h4)  Bxh3 (h1-h2, h4-h7, Nc3-g3)
5. Rf1 (f2-f7)+                Kd7
6. f7xg8=Q (-)                 Rxg8 (Bf8-e8)
7. gxh7 (Bh3-h6)               Rh8 (-)
8. Bxh6 (h2-h1)                gxh6 (h1-h5)
9. a3 (Nb3-f3, a7-a4)          Nc6 (c7-c8)
10. Rf2 (e2-a2, Nf3-f8)+       resigns

Black is unable to prevent white's pawn promotion on h8, except temporarily, even by sacrificing his own queen.

Written by Jim Aikin.
WWW page created: May 22, 1998.