Foreign Policy Chess
by Francois Tremblay, November 2000
Somebody proposed this idea to me... as you can imagine, I do not hold
interventionism in high esteem ! This is a three-way chess

Normal rules apply, except for the following exceptions.
This game is played with three players and no alliances. One player benefits of
an almost full army (the Peacekeeper), and two players
have a reduced army (foreign countries - the Foreigns), on one board. However,
the Peacekeeper has a more stringent goal. For the two
Foreigns, the goal is to capture the other country's king, while the goal of
the Peacekeeper is to capture the two Foreign kings.
Foreigns :
Pawns A2, B2, C2, D2, E1 / A7, B7, C7, D7, E8
Castle (Rook) A1 / A8
Knight B1 / B8
King C1 / C8
Fool (Bishop) D1 / D8
Peacekeeper :
Pawns G3, G4, G5, G6
Knights H2, H7
Fools (Bishops) H3, H6
Queen H4
King H5
Movement rules are as in orthodox chess, except the Peacekeeper moves towards the
left (but normally as he sees the board).
The Foreign on A1 begins the game, followed by the Foreign on A8, and the
Peacekeeper pawns cannot promote to queen, only castle (rook), fool (bishop) or
knight. Foreign pawns can, however, promote to queen.
Foreign pawns may move forward by two from their original row, but the
Peacekeeper's pawns must always move forward by one.
If one of the two Foreigns is destroyed by the Peacekeeper before the other
Foreign can do the same, the other Foreign can still draw, by
capturing the Peacekeeper's king.
If a king is captured, all the pieces of his army must be put away from the
board, as if captured.
If you play a game, please send me an email at (email removed contact us for address) to tell me how it went.This game can now be played on the Chess Applets page.
Written by Francois Tremblay.
WWW page created: November 10, 2000. Last modified: February 28, 2001.