Check out Smess, our featured variant for February, 2025.

Terms of Service

The terms of service are mainly about the responsibilities you bear as a member or visitor of this site.

Topics of Discussion

This site is for discussing and learning about Chess variants. This may include, though is not limited to, the following:

Although this site is not focused on Chess, Chess is a Chess variant, and discussion of Chess is frequently relevant.

Pages created by members should have something to do with Chess variants and should not go off-topic. While comments are typically anchored to a page with a particular topic or a discussion thread with a particular subject, there is more leeway for comments to go off-topic. Rated comments on game pages, though, are understood to be reviews, and these should be focused on the pros and cons of the game being reviewed. Kibbitz comments on games being played on Game Courier should be on the moves in that game. However, comments made within a game by the players do not have to stick to a particular topic. Players frequently use the comments in games for casual conversation, and that is an appropriate use for them.

Child Safety

This is a child-friendly site. There is no age restriction on who may use or visit this site or on who may become a member. While it may take some level of development to fully appreciate this site, there should be no particularly mature or prurient content here. This site is mainly about games and how to play them, and games are for children as well as adults.


In order to keep this a safe and comfortable environment for everyone, including both children and adults, no matter what borders or differences of opinion may otherwise divide us, you should abide by the following rules of conduct:

Failure to follow these rules of conduct may, if egregious enough, result in a permanent ban. This is at the discretion of the editors and the webmaster.

Moderation of Comments

The editors and webmaster may moderate comments. This may involve deleting or editing selected comments.

Posting Original Content

Members may post original content. For example, you may invent a new Chess variant and post its rules here. However, it is up to the editors and webmaster to decide whether or when to publish what you post. The editors and webmaster may, at their discretion, edit submitted content or ask the author for changes. Since they are all volunteers, they might not work on this everyday. So be patient with them. Original content should be related to Chess variants. Submissions will get through most quickly when they are clear and complete with little or no need of editing.


This site contains various programs or code you may download for playing Chess variants, and it includes scripts that may enable you to display or play Chess variants or interact with the site. While we do not intentionally write or host buggy or malicious programs or code, we do not offer any guarantee that any software or scripts will work as described or even be harmless. So, you use the software and scripts at your own risk, and you will not hold the editors or webmaster of this site responsible for anything that goes wrong with using them. However, if you find bugs in some of our own software or scripts, please report them, for we do want our own software and scripts to be bug-free.

Written by Fergus Duniho.
WWW Page Created: Mon Jan 25, 2021.