Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, Lim Peng.

Supremo Superchess (10x10)

By Lim Ther Peng

Welcome to the challenge of the game.

To the future of the boardgame, the chessvariants web site plays an important part in bringing forth the creativity of the game players and sets a platform for new boardgames to appear.

If you have 3 different sets of chess, then you can select 30 pieces to be used for this game. As for the board, you may have to use some other chess variants’ 10x10 board. Try this game with your friends.

For more details regarding this game, the players can refer to the book entitled: SUPERCHESS, (author: Lim Ther Peng) (ISBN: 0-75966-070-0) available at which can be accessed through this web site by checking the game book: Superchess. If you are kind enough to support this game, please buy a copy.

If this game becomes popular, I may donate money for this web site to host an international championship competition for this game.

For any toy company which may be interested in making this game set or related products, please contact my game agent Rehtmeyer Design & Licensing, USA.



It has the combined move and capture power of Queen [Q] or jumping Queen [jQ]. It can capture one enemy in one move. piece

As a jumping Queen [jQ], it moves and captures as a Queen with jumping. It must jump ONCE only over any intervening piece (over one friendly or enemy piece) before capturing the next piece along the path. Also, it can jump without capturing if it lands on an empty square.

2. (SB) SUPER BISHOP [B or jB]

It has the combined move and capture power of Bishop [B] or jumping Bishop [jB]. It can capture one enemy piece in one move.

As a jumping Bishop [jB], it moves and captures as a Bishop with jumping. It has the same conditions as that of the jumping Queen, such as it can jump once only. In the same move, it can move either as a Bishop [B] or a jumping Bishop [jB].

3. (SR) SUPER ROOK [R or jR]

It has the combined move and capture power of Rook [R] or jumping Rook [jR]. It can capture one enemy piece in one move.

As a jumping Rook [jR], it moves and captures as a Rook with jumping, with the similar conditions as the above two pieces.


It has the combined move and capture power of Knight [N] (a single gallop Knight) or a double gallop Knight [N+N]. It can capture a maximum of two enemy pieces in one move.

As a double gallop Knight [N+N], it moves by making TWO moves of the Knight in a single move. If the two landing squares are empty, then it is a double gallop without capturing.


It has the combined move of King [K] (one square move) or jumping King [jK] (one square jump). Its power of capture is DIFFERENT from the King. It must land on unoccupied square. It captures all the enemy pieces but not the friendly pieces in all the eight adjacent squares next to its landing square. It can only capture enemy pieces IMMEDIATELY after it has made its move. Therefore, if any enemy piece moves onto any adjacent square next to any Super Terminator, it will NOT be automatically captured.

As a jumping King [jK], it moves by jumping ONCE over one OCCUPIED adjacent square and lands on one UNOCCUPIED square beyond. It can capture a maximum of eight enemy pieces in one move. It cannot jump over unoccupied square.

6. (SC) SUPER COMMANDO [K+K or K+jK or jK+K or jK+jK]

In a single move, it must execute a combination of EXACTLY any two moves and capture powers of King [K] and jumping King [jK] as shown above. There are four selections. It can capture a maximum of two enemy pieces in one move.

[K+jK] means that in a single move, it moves as a King followed by a move of a jumping King.

7. (SP) SUPER PROTECTOR [K+K+K or K+K+jK or K+jK+K or jK+K+K or K+jK+jK or jK+K+jK or jK+jK+K or jK+jK+jK]

Super Protector has these two special features:

( i ) it cannot capture, ( ii ) it cannot be captured.

In a single move, it must execute a combination of EXACTLY any three moves of King and jumping King as shown above. There are eight selections. For example, one of the selections [K+jK+K] means that, in a single move, it moves as a King, followed by a move as a jumping King and finally it moves as a King ending its last step. In each move it has to execute exactly three steps. For each step it must land on an unoccupied square.

General Rules

  1. All other pieces will move as in chess.
  2. Castling is not possible.
  3. Pawns have an initial two-step move option but are not subjected to en passant capture.
  4. A pawn can be promoted to any piece except the King when it reaches the last rank.
  5. The objective of the game is to capture the King. The player using the white pieces moves first.
  6. A player cannot make an illegal move (Direct or Discovered).
  7. When a player makes a move that causes his King to be directly exposed to his opponent’s immediate capture (checkmate), then this move is considered to be a Direct illegal move.
  8. When a player makes a move that captures one or more opponent pieces, and as a result of this, his King is exposed to his opponent’s immediate capture (checkmate), then this move is considered to be a Discovered illegal move.
  9. However for any competition, if there is a ruling that once a piece is placed, it cannot be retracted, then an alternative way to solve this problem is that the winner can score only ¾ mark instead of 1 mark. This has to be stated first before competition begins. As for draws, each player gets ½ mark. So in the situation of stalemate, it is not considered as a draw, but the winner will only get ¾ mark.