Games using the Same Board
The board used for this game has 7 levels, 64 cells/squares.
Borg Queen Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. (7x(), Cells: 64)
Cosmic Chess. Website with program that lets you play this game against others on the WWW.
Curved Space Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. (7x(), Cells: 64)
First Contact Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. (7x(), Cells: 64)
Kobayashi Maru. A variant set of rules for playing chess using the 3 dimensionsal set featured on the TV series Star Trek. (7x(), Cells: 64)
Neutral Zone StarTrek 3D Chess Variant. StarTrek 3D Chess Variant. (7x(), Cells: 64)
Transporter Pad 3D Chess. Star Trek 3D Chess Variant. (7x(), Cells: 64)
Tridimensional Chess (Star Trek). Three-dimensional chess from Star Trek. (7x(), Cells: 64) (Recognized!)
Warp Factor Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. (7x(), Cells: 64)