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Philosopher's Chess. Winner of the 40 squares contest.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Anonymous wrote on Thu, Aug 26, 2004 01:45 AM UTC:
This position is not a stalemate, as was declared:
   a   b   c   d   e   f        o   d
 +---+---+---+---+---+---+    +---+---+
1: k :   :   :   :   :   :   1: t :   :
 +---+---+---+---+---+---+    +---+---+
2:   :   : E :   :   :   :   2:   :   :
 +---+---+---+---+---+---+    +---+---+
3:   :   :   :   :   :   :
4:   :   : R :   : K :   :
5:   :   :   :   :   :   :
6:   :   :   : E :   :   :
It is not a stalemate because, according to the rules file,
'If the opponent's king comes into check during a double move, the
move does not have to stop - but the king may NOT be taken.'

It also duplicated a position earlier in the game, which is not allowed.

Yu Ren Dong wrote on Fri, Sep 12, 2008 08:19 AM UTC:
I feel Philosophers Chess is very long in the end game. For example,when there are only a Philosopher and two Kings on the borad.

Philosophers Chess will be better if added another way of winning for reducing the enemy force to exactly one King.

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