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David Howe wrote on Thu, Feb 24, 2005 01:11 AM UTC:
Fergus -- I've modifed the commenting system so that comments made on hidden or deleted items will not show up at all.

David Howe wrote on Thu, Feb 24, 2005 04:11 AM UTC:
John Ayers -- you asked the question as to why we had two links to the same page on the What's New page. I messed up and created two items for the same page. That's fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out.

Robert Fischer wrote on Thu, Feb 24, 2005 05:18 AM UTC:
You may wish to dismantled the referenced comment page.
It is fairly undignified (as well as obsolete).

Gothic Girls

[Referenced comments have been deleted. --Ed.]

Derek Nalls wrote on Sun, Mar 6, 2005 12:22 AM UTC:
Presently, this comment system is only conducive to finding interesting
topics which are currently (or have recently been) under discussion. 
There are doubtlessly a small yet significant number of sleepers- very
interesting discussions to which a new comment has not been added in

An alphabetical index to browse containing all topics with comments (esp.
for comments not tied to any particular item such as a game) in your
entire database could be a valuable resource to all.

David Howe wrote on Sun, Mar 6, 2005 02:01 AM UTC:
Ok, I whipped something up. Try out this link: <p><a href=''>List Subjects</a>

Derek Nalls wrote on Mon, Mar 7, 2005 06:26 AM UTC:
Nice index!
Thank you.

Derek Nalls wrote on Wed, Apr 6, 2005 02:14 AM UTC:
'This comment is hidden pending review. It will eventually be deleted or

In actuality, there are numerous comments scattered across some pages
which have never been approved and displayed OR disapproved and deleted. 
Some of these comments have been in a state of suspension for months. 
More decisiveness (and in a timely manner) is needed.

Derek Nalls wrote on Fri, May 13, 2005 12:32 AM UTC:
[Comment voluntarily deleted.]

Eric wrote on Tue, Oct 4, 2005 05:12 PM UTC:
Given that many of the comments respond to previous ones, I find it awkward that they are listed in reverse chronological order. Forward would be much easier to read.

Tony Quintanilla wrote on Tue, Oct 4, 2005 05:33 PM UTC:
Eric, that's precisely the reason, so that you see the most recent
comments, the ones you are most likely responding to, first.

Matthew Montchalin wrote on Tue, Oct 4, 2005 08:31 PM UTC:
I agree. Comments should be displayed in chronological order. The current method of display seems to reverse them, leading to confusion. If you can remember the many networks that existed before the worldwide web came along, the standards then in place, required scrolling 'up' to get to the old messages, and scrolling 'down' to get to the new ones.

Derek Nalls wrote on Mon, Mar 20, 2006 07:17 PM UTC:
[Odd, my previous message was moderated. This one was not. Is there a bug possibly? Comment deleted as irrelevant.]

[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Greg Strong wrote on Sat, Jun 17, 2006 07:23 PM UTC:
There is a bug with the comment system.  When you are viewing a game
description page, it shows the most recent few comments at the bottom, but
HTML is not being supported correctly; it shows the tags instead of
implementing them.  But, if you click on 'view all comments', then
everything appears correctly.

Jianying Ji wrote on Sun, Jun 18, 2006 12:46 AM UTC:
While we are at it, here's another prob: When commenting on a game, you
are given the option of rating 'below average' or 'average' in
addition to the four that there used to be. When you edit the remark later
however, you are not given the 'below average' and 'average' ratings.

Thomas McElmurry wrote on Sun, Jun 18, 2006 01:11 AM UTC:
I think that the bug described by Greg is somehow a result of the site's
move last August.  If I'm not mistaken, it is only comments made before
2005-08-27 that have this problem.

If you posted such a comment, you can 'edit' it, and simply resubmit it
without making any changes.  The HTML will then be displayed properly.

Greg Strong wrote on Sun, Jun 18, 2006 02:36 PM UTC:
Thanks, Thomas!  I've gone back and edited a couple of my comments and
that fixed 'em.

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