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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Wed, Feb 8, 2006 01:36 PM UTC:
Hello, everybody. I have had big troubles trying to implement the game
'The Travelers' using Zillions Rules File Language, Displacer
capabilities is a headache, I can´t find a good way to manage it using
Zillions. I could implement tht Traveler movement, but I´m not sure what
is the best way to do that. Has anyone idea about how to make a reasonable
implementation of the Displacer´s movement and capabilities?. IF someone
can give a kind hand in the implementation, I´ll be very pleased. Thanks,

Joost Brugh wrote on Wed, Feb 8, 2006 02:19 PM UTC:
Probably, it isn't even necessary to add (White Displacement) in the turn-order. You can use (add-partial Displacement) in the Displacer's move, which allows your Displacer to make an extra Displacement-move. The turn-order should be (White Regular) (Black Regular). The Displacement-move should just move a piece to be displaced to the desired position, using from. Don't forget the (verify (or (not-piece? Traveler) (on-board? s))). The question is how you want to pass this move. You can do something with pass partial options. If that doesn't workt just add a move ((set-attribute Monkey false) add) (a move of which Zillions think it is something, but in fact isn't.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sat, Feb 11, 2006 07:54 PM UTC:
I give up. I´m throwing the towell, it does not work properly with any idea
I have tried.

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