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The orphan is a brillant idea I can't wait to trial it.
Never having been very interested in problems, I admit that this is probably a naive question. But what does it mean to 'check for cooks'?
A Chess problem should have a unique solution, though this criteria is not absolute. In order of severity as flaws in the problem, non-unique solutions are cooks (worst), serious duals, and harmless duals. In problem competitions, the first two tend to be disqulified and the last accepted but such a problem would be unlikely to win a prize.
Very good definition of these terms <a href='http://www.sahovski.com/PRODUCTS/OTHER/ACP/acp.htm'>here.</a>
Except it's not in English...
Does anyone know of any still‐extant copies of this?
I did a bit of searching, and I can find only one Web page besides this one that even mentions it. On eBay there's a "pre-owned" copy for sale for about $40.
Apparently there's a copy in one of the big library chess collections, in the Netherlands: https://www.worldcat.org/title/67814114?oclcNum=67814114
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