Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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David Paulowich wrote on Sun, Feb 28, 2010 09:37 AM EST:
This thread is a continuation of Ratings List 08 and is calculated from all 
games played here in the last 365 days.  Players listed here have played at 
least five games and are rated 1490 and above.
Name                         Userid  GCR            Percent GCR1 GCR2
Andreas Kaufmann            andreas 1687  12.0/012 =100.00% 1674 1701 
Gary Gifford               penswift 1679  15.5/019 = 81.58% 1672 1685 
H S                         petyura 1663   6.0/006 =100.00% 1655 1671 
Joe Joyce                  joejoyce 1656  20.0/026 = 76.92% 1618 1695 
Alexander Trotter             qilin 1652   7.0/008 = 87.50% 1619 1685
Carlos Cetina                 sissa 1628 108.5/169 = 64.20% 1600 1656 
Vitya Makov                   makov 1597   5.5/007 = 78.57% 1612 1582 
Jose Carrillo        j_carrillo_vii 1596  50.0/079 = 63.29% 1563 1628 
pallab basu                  pallab 1570   6.0/009 = 66.67% 1549 1592 
Thomas McElmurry           crazytom 1557   3.5/005 = 70.00% 1592 1523
Fergus Duniho                fergus 1556  19.0/033 = 57.58% 1540 1572 
Charles Daniel       frozen_methane 1552   9.0/018 = 50.00% 1505 1599 
David Paulowich            david_64 1530   2.5/005 = 50.00% 1523 1537 
Boyko Ahtarov                 zdra4 1523  13.0/024 = 54.17% 1526 1520 
Vitya Makov                makov333 1520 176.5/341 = 51.76% 1486 1554
Scott McGreal          agentofchaos 1514   8.0/016 = 50.00% 1489 1540 
Nicholas Wolff                maeko 1495 108.5/232 = 46.77% 1490 1501 
je ju                      jejujeju 1493   7.0/015 = 46.67% 1430 1556 
Armin Liebhart              lunaris 1490  20.5/045 = 45.56% 1473 1507

David Paulowich wrote on Wed, Apr 28, 2010 08:41 PM EDT:
This thread is calculated from all games played here in the last 365 days.
Name                         Userid  GCR            Percent GCR1 GCR2
Hexa Sakk                    bosa60 1747  28.5/031 = 91.94% 1743 1750 
Andreas Kaufmann            andreas 1695  12.0/012 =100.00% 1674 1716 
H S                         petyura 1664   7.0/007 =100.00% 1637 1690 
Alexander Trotter             qilin 1651   7.0/008 = 87.50% 1620 1682 
Joe Joyce                  joejoyce 1634  18.5/025 = 74.00% 1608 1661 

Gary Gifford               penswift 1624  12.5/017 = 73.53% 1607 1642 
Carlos Cetina                 sissa 1620 112.0/184 = 60.87% 1591 1649 
Vitya Makov                   makov 1615   6.5/008 = 81.25% 1632 1597 
Jose Carrillo        j_carrillo_vii 1603  56.0/087 = 64.37% 1592 1614 
pallab basu                  pallab 1595   9.0/011 = 81.82% 1563 1627 

Fergus Duniho                fergus 1557  20.5/034 = 60.29% 1536 1577 
Thomas McElmurry           crazytom 1550   5.0/008 = 62.50% 1581 1519 
Charles Daniel       frozen_methane 1541  11.5/023 = 50.00% 1516 1567 
Armin Liebhart              lunaris 1530  23.5/047 = 50.00% 1506 1554 
Scott McGreal          agentofchaos 1511   6.0/012 = 50.00% 1492 1530 

Vitya Makov                makov333 1509 191.5/375 = 51.07% 1457 1562  
Boyko Ahtarov                 zdra4 1500  13.0/026 = 50.00% 1496 1504

David Paulowich wrote on Sun, Jun 27, 2010 02:47 PM EDT:
This thread is calculated from all games played here in the last 365 days.
Name                         Userid  GCR            Percent GCR1 GCR2
Hexa Sakk                    bosa60 1800  89.5/098 = 91.33% 1792 1808 
H S                         petyura 1725  11.0/011 =100.00% 1741 1710 
Andreas Kaufmann            andreas 1681  11.0/011 =100.00% 1666 1697 
pallab basu                  pallab 1630   9.0/010 = 90.00% 1584 1676 
Jose Carrillo        j_carrillo_vii 1629  64.0/092 = 69.57% 1620 1637
Vitya Makov                   makov 1613   6.5/008 = 81.25% 1619 1606 
Carlos Cetina                 sissa 1611 112.5/191 = 58.90% 1603 1618 
Alexander Trotter             qilin 1610   4.0/005 = 80.00% 1569 1651 
Joe Joyce                  joejoyce 1601  14.5/021 = 69.05% 1578 1624 
Fergus Duniho                fergus 1593  26.5/041 = 64.63% 1576 1610
Scott McGreal          agentofchaos 1586   5.0/007 = 71.43% 1569 1602 
Gary Gifford               penswift 1551   6.5/011 = 59.09% 1545 1558 
Thomas McElmurry           crazytom 1532   6.5/012 = 54.17% 1549 1515 
Armin Liebhart              lunaris 1525  24.5/049 = 50.00% 1495 1555 
Bogot Bogot                   olbog 1511   5.0/009 = 55.56% 1437 1586
Charles Daniel       frozen_methane 1509  12.0/027 = 44.44% 1513 1506 
Vitya Makov                makov333 1509 174.0/375 = 46.40% 1472 1545 
Linn Russell                freakat 1509   3.0/006 = 50.00% 1469 1549 
Stephen Stockman      stevestockman 1502   2.0/005 = 40.00% 1544 1460 
Boyko Ahtarov                 zdra4 1501  13.0/027 = 48.15% 1514 1489
Ryan Schwartz              shunoshi 1499   3.0/006 = 50.00% 1499 1499 
David Levins                midrael 1499   3.0/006 = 50.00% 1499 1499

David Paulowich wrote on Sun, Aug 29, 2010 03:43 PM EDT:
This thread is calculated from all games played here in the last 365 days. 
You must play against more than one opponent to make this list.
Name                         Userid  GCR            Percent GCR1 GCR2
Hexa Sakk                    bosa60 1817 104.5/113 = 92.48% 1797 1837 
H S                         petyura 1729  12.0/012 =100.00% 1744 1714 
Jose Carrillo        j_carrillo_vii 1663  75.0/102 = 73.53% 1653 1674 
Andreas Kaufmann            andreas 1643   5.0/005 =100.00% 1634 1652 
pallab basu                  pallab 1630   9.0/010 = 90.00% 1588 1672
Vitya Makov                   makov 1609   6.5/008 = 81.25% 1622 1596 
Joe Joyce                  joejoyce 1590  18.0/027 = 66.67% 1568 1612 
Carlos Cetina                 sissa 1587 112.0/199 = 56.28% 1584 1590 
Fergus Duniho                fergus 1584  31.5/050 = 63.00% 1565 1604 
David Paulowich            david_64 1571   5.0/007 = 71.43% 1577 1564
Armin Liebhart              lunaris 1564  30.5/053 = 57.55% 1534 1593 
Scott McGreal          agentofchaos 1563   4.0/006 = 66.67% 1563 1563 
Phoenix TKar              tkr101010 1535   4.0/006 = 66.67% 1560 1510 
Bogot Bogot                   olbog 1517   3.0/005 = 60.00% 1476 1557 
Thomas McElmurry           crazytom 1514   8.5/018 = 47.22% 1544 1484
Gary Gifford               penswift 1510   3.5/008 = 43.75% 1504 1516 
Vitya Makov                makov333 1506 153.0/338 = 45.27% 1458 1553 
Boyko Ahtarov                 zdra4 1503  13.0/027 = 48.15% 1512 1494 
Eni Li                        enili 1501   4.0/022 = 18.18% 1498 1503 
Stephen Stockman      stevestockman 1497   2.0/005 = 40.00% 1544 1450

Joe Joyce wrote on Sun, Aug 29, 2010 03:54 PM EDT:
Congratulations to all the new people [and not so new] that are on the top
of this list. Nice. Keep up the good play!

David Paulowich wrote on Sat, Oct 30, 2010 11:55 AM EDT:
This thread is calculated from all games played here in the last 365 days. 
You must play five games (against more than one opponent) to make this list.
Name                         Userid  GCR            Percent GCR1 GCR2
Hexa Sakk                    bosa60 1823 120.5/130 = 92.69% 1790 1855 
H S                         petyura 1732  12.0/012 =100.00% 1750 1714 
Jose Carrillo        j_carrillo_vii 1675  68.0/091 = 74.73% 1693 1656 
pallab basu                  pallab 1636   9.0/010 = 90.00% 1599 1672 
Joe Joyce                  joejoyce 1625  18.0/026 = 69.23% 1606 1643 

David Paulowich            david_64 1616   5.0/006 = 83.33% 1597 1634 
Neil Spargo                  spargo 1608   4.0/005 = 80.00% 1597 1619 
Carlos Cetina                 sissa 1607 104.5/193 = 54.15% 1605 1608 
Fergus Duniho                fergus 1598  32.5/051 = 63.73% 1588 1607 
Armin Liebhart              lunaris 1590  27.5/045 = 61.11% 1577 1602 

Vitya Makov                   makov 1578   4.5/006 = 75.00% 1589 1567 
Stephen Stockman      stevestockman 1551   3.0/005 = 60.00% 1580 1522 
qixel                         qixel 1542   4.0/006 = 66.67% 1557 1528 
Boyko Ahtarov                 zdra4 1534  13.0/027 = 48.15% 1554 1514 
Phoenix TKar              tkr101010 1532   4.0/006 = 66.67% 1562 1503 

Uri Bruck                     bruck 1523   4.0/008 = 50.00% 1484 1562 
Thomas McElmurry           crazytom 1520   8.5/018 = 47.22% 1557 1482 
Vitya Makov                makov333 1510 133.0/301 = 44.19% 1443 1578 
Eni Li                        enili 1504  10.5/038 = 27.63% 1494 1513

Joe Joyce wrote on Thu, Nov 4, 2010 11:49 PM EDT:
Hey, David, thanks for the new list. It's nice to see we're both creeping
back up in it... ;-) It's very nice to see so many new names at the top,
which is actually anywhere on this list. There is an asymmetry in the total
ratings list, with well over half below 1501. Thus, the active players in
this list over 1500 are actually well up in any sort of current overall

David Paulowich wrote on Fri, Dec 31, 2010 01:40 PM EST:
This thread is calculated from all games played here in the last 365 days. 
You must play five games (against more than one opponent) to make this list.
Name                         Userid  GCR            Percent GCR1 GCR2
Hexa Sakk                    bosa60 1820 133.5/145 = 92.07% 1790 1850 
H S                         petyura 1721  12.0/012 =100.00% 1736 1707 
Jose Carrillo        j_carrillo_vii 1651  49.0/070 = 70.00% 1631 1671 
pallab basu                  pallab 1620   9.0/010 = 90.00% 1580 1660 
Carlos Cetina                 sissa 1612  91.5/171 = 53.51% 1601 1622 

Armin Liebhart              lunaris 1604  26.5/039 = 67.95% 1558 1649 
Neil Spargo                  spargo 1599   4.0/005 = 80.00% 1590 1607 
Fergus Duniho                fergus 1588  23.5/037 = 63.51% 1535 1641 
Joe Joyce                  joejoyce 1586  14.0/022 = 63.64% 1554 1619 
Stephen Stockman      stevestockman 1550   3.0/005 = 60.00% 1577 1523 

qixel                         qixel 1536   5.0/008 = 62.50% 1520 1553 
jeddak_of_gathol   jeddak_of_gathol 1536   3.0/005 = 60.00% 1534 1539 
Boyko Ahtarov                 zdra4 1532   9.0/018 = 50.00% 1566 1498 
Nicholas Wolff                maeko 1526   8.5/016 = 53.12% 1489 1562 
Uri Bruck                     bruck 1524   6.0/010 = 60.00% 1507 1540 

Thomas McElmurry           crazytom 1514   8.5/018 = 47.22% 1499 1529 
Phoenix TKar              tkr101010 1503   4.0/007 = 57.14% 1528 1478 
Vitya Makov                makov333 1501 107.5/259 = 41.51% 1419 1583

David Paulowich wrote on Tue, Mar 1, 2011 01:51 PM EST:
This thread is calculated from all games played here in the last 365 days. 
You must play five games (against more than one opponent) to make this list.
Name                         Userid  GCR            Percent GCR1 GCR2
Hexa Sakk                    bosa60 1807 135.0/149 = 90.60% 1777 1837 
H S                         petyura 1706   7.0/007 =100.00% 1719 1692 
Armin Liebhart              lunaris 1623  24.0/033 = 72.73% 1590 1657 
Nicholas Wolff               nwolff 1623   4.0/005 = 80.00% 1618 1627 
Jose Carrillo        j_carrillo_vii 1618  38.5/058 = 66.38% 1586 1651 
Carlos Cetina                 sissa 1597  80.0/154 = 51.95% 1573 1622 
Neil Spargo                  spargo 1597   4.0/005 = 80.00% 1582 1611 
Joe Joyce                  joejoyce 1594  11.5/017 = 67.65% 1568 1621 
pallab basu                  pallab 1584   4.0/005 = 80.00% 1537 1630 
Fergus Duniho                fergus 1574  17.5/027 = 64.81% 1538 1611 
Nicholas Wolff                maeko 1561   3.0/005 = 60.00% 1520 1601 
Uri Bruck                     bruck 1549   7.0/011 = 63.64% 1525 1573 
Stephen Stockman      stevestockman 1546   3.0/005 = 60.00% 1574 1519 
Rob Brown                 steelhead 1539   3.0/006 = 50.00% 1533 1544 
jeddak_of_gathol   jeddak_of_gathol 1532   3.0/005 = 60.00% 1534 1531 
David Levins                midrael 1521   4.0/007 = 57.14% 1521 1521 
qixel                         qixel 1511   5.0/009 = 55.56% 1506 1517 
Scott McGreal          agentofchaos 1507   3.0/007 = 42.86% 1470 1545 
Vitya Makov                makov333 1498  74.5/190 = 39.21% 1438 1557

David Paulowich wrote on Fri, Apr 29, 2011 10:47 AM EDT:
This thread is calculated from all games played here in the last 365 days. 
You must play five games (against more than one opponent) to make this list.
Name                         Userid  GCR            Percent GCR1 GCR2
Hexa Sakk                    bosa60 1796 113.0/125 = 90.40% 1765 1826
H S                         petyura 1699   5.0/005 =100.00% 1694 1704
Nicholas Wolff               nwolff 1666   9.0/011 = 81.82% 1636 1696
Fergus Duniho                fergus 1630  29.0/040 = 72.50% 1604 1657
Jose Carrillo        j_carrillo_vii 1609  33.0/051 = 64.71% 1573 1645
Armin Liebhart              lunaris 1604  20.0/029 = 68.97% 1568 1639
Carlos Cetina                 sissa 1599  66.5/126 = 52.78% 1576 1621
Joe Joyce                  joejoyce 1594  11.0/017 = 64.71% 1574 1614
Rob Brown                 steelhead 1556   4.0/007 = 57.14% 1553 1559
Stephen Stockman      stevestockman 1549   3.0/005 = 60.00% 1574 1523
Gary Gifford               penswift 1541   3.5/006 = 58.33% 1516 1566 
jeddak_of_gathol   jeddak_of_gathol 1535   3.0/005 = 60.00% 1534 1535
Uri Bruck                     bruck 1533   7.0/011 = 63.64% 1511 1556
xeongrey                   xeongrey 1524   3.0/006 = 50.00% 1505 1544
Phoenix TKar              tkr101010 1523   5.0/009 = 55.56% 1529 1517
qixel                         qixel 1512   5.0/009 = 55.56% 1496 1527
Scott McGreal          agentofchaos 1508   3.0/007 = 42.86% 1462 1554
Vitya Makov                makov333 1500  54.5/143 = 38.11% 1445 1555

David Paulowich wrote on Thu, Jun 30, 2011 06:02 PM EDT:
Pasting from the Game Courier Ratings has a lot of new problems this year.
Players listed here have played at least five games and are rated 1500 and above.
Name                         Userid  GCR            Percent GCR1 GCR2
Hexa Sakk                    bosa60 1761  51.0/057 = 89.47% 1737 1784
Fergus Duniho                fergus 1655  27.0/035 = 77.14% 1628 1682
Nicholas Wolff               nwolff 1608  10.0/014 = 71.43% 1617 1598
Joe Joyce                  joejoyce 1600  14.5/022 = 65.91% 1587 1614
Carlos Cetina                 sissa 1585  46.5/091 = 51.10% 1585 1586 
Gary Gifford               penswift 1577   5.5/008 = 68.75% 1540 1615
Jose Carrillo        j_carrillo_vii 1571  24.5/041 = 59.76% 1556 1585
Uri Bruck                     bruck 1567   8.0/101 = 72.73% 1590 1544
Armin Liebhart              lunaris 1555  14.0/022 = 63.64% 1505 1604
xeongrey                   xeongrey 1554   4.0/007 = 57.14% 1554 1555 
Rob Brown                 steelhead 1550   4.0/007 = 57.14% 1543 1558
qixel                         qixel 1533   6.0/010 = 60.00% 1504 1562
jeddak_of_gathol   jeddak_of_gathol 1530   3.0/005 = 60.00% 1517 1543
Francois Tremblay  francoistremblay 1522   4.0/007 = 57.14% 1536 1507
Phoenix TKar              tkr101010 1519   4.0/007 = 57.14% 1476 1561 
Greg Strong             mageofmaple 1511   8.0/020 = 40.00% 1497 1524

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