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je ju wrote on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 01:08 PM UTC:
The Official Registration Thread for the Pot Luck 2008 Tournament!

If interested in playing in a round-robin tournament, starting in groups
of four, please post a note.  

The tournament will be played with games brought to the tournament by the
players.  The player may or may not have invented the games.  Each player
may bring one, two or three games.  If bringing one game, they will play
it 3 times per round.  If bringing three games, they will play each game
once per round.  If bringing 2 games, they'll play one once and one twice
per round.

Different players are permitted to bring the same games.

If a majority of participants vote to veto a game, it's bounced and has
to be replaced.  A veto may be cast for any reason whatsoever.

A replacement may also be vetoed by majority vote.

Registration closes April 7th, 12 midnight, GMT.

From that time, each registrant will have 7 days to put forth the game(s)
they wish to play in the tournament.  Upon the completion of the posting
period, there will be a 48 hour veto period.  If 48 hours pass without a
majority veto, the game will be included.  If vetoed, a new nomination
will also get a 48 hour veto window.

Each game brought will be an away game, meaning the bringer plays
'his/her' game as black.

Each player will play each other player in their group of 4 twice, once in
the game they brought (as black) and once in the game their opponent
brought (as white).

At the end of the round robin, the top two advance to the next level, the
bottom two to the losers round.

Interested players will be accepted in multiples of 4 (though if we end up
with a multiple of 5 or 3 we may be able to tweak it). we are...

Step one: 

Who wants in?  Sign up by April 7th, 12 midnight, GMT

Step two:

Nominate the game(s) you want to play between April 7th, 12 midnight, GMT
and April 14th midnight GMT

Step three:  

Once all veto periods are complete and games are set, a schedule will be
set up.  Pools will be organized based on current 365 day ratings.

If interested, please sign up...should be a fun, conveniently organized,
efficiently run, quick to start, reasonably timed tournament.


carlos carlos wrote on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 01:49 PM UTC:
ok, i'll play if enough people sign up.  a couple of things - several
important GC3 games are still in progress and could go on for a while. 
that could affect registration...  i also think the 48-hour window for
vetoes is too short - a week might be better.

je ju wrote on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 02:04 PM UTC:
Good point, Carlos...

If you are still involved in any GC3 tourney games and would like to play
in the PotLuck2008 Tourney, but feel getting involved in the early stages
of the organization of a new tourney while closing out the late stages of
an ending tourney is too much....please let us know and perhaps we can
slow things up/ thoughts are that the PotLuck2008 won't
actually kickoff until early/mid May, and if by then the GC3 isn't
finished, I reckon (!) the still active participants can handle a new game
or two if they so choose...

Regarding Carlos' comment on veto time, I agree...a week it is!!

Joe Joyce wrote on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 03:11 PM UTC:
Sounds interesting. Started thinking what games I might bring - Superchief
leapt to mind, but even I would likely veto that one! Of my games, I'd
probably bring Grand Shatranj, maybe Great Shatranj, but that's pretty
much it. Pocket Mutation by Mike Nelson is one of my favorite designs, so
that might well be my 3rd choice. But this is speculation now, and I may
have other choices later; what games are others considering?

George Duke wrote on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 05:39 PM UTC:
We think two games in ''real time'' would be more exciting [with or without kibitzing] than any one
whole tournament over months or year. For example, Gifford v. Fourriere
at CDA Colourbound Clobberers, Nutty Knights, Friday 12:00; or Paulowich
v. Joyce at Unicorn Chess Sat. 10:00 -- to be concluded the same day.
Fergus Duniho once scotched the idea because of different time zones. 
Brainking site has same defect of games being continually adjourned, 
in effect, by having weeks really to play,  and so whoever devotes
off-time to study positions can upgrade play. Some players actually do
worse when having to re-think half-forgotten position after a week, instead of concentrating as deeply as possible on one score to finish in one (or two) day.  Jeremy Good used to be able to play move every 30 seconds in multiple games, yet stayed low in  Rating. In OrthoChess, except correspondence, adjournment is thing of the past. Someone else can research or inform on this better, or have knowledge about Chess sites playing with time controls, but concluding right away the same day. Stories like Bobby Fischer's figuring out some great move overnight for game adjourned (for one day only) do not occur today, do they?

Rich Hutnik wrote on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 06:23 PM UTC:
Anyone up for promoting this to be part of the IAGO World Tour?  I could
get it on the 2008 IAGO World Tour calendar:, and
please have some indication it is part of the Tour on a page for the
PotLuck event.  We can name it after a sponsor or the Chess Variants site
itself, to get it a bit of publicity.

Can we be assured that there will be at least two people entered into it,
excluding the organizer or whomever is running it  Also, will this wrap up before November?  If so, I would be interested in having it.  It may go full year long though.

Charles Daniel wrote on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 08:16 PM UTC:
For PotLuck2008, I would submit Birds and Ninjas (main variation + dropping 4 ninja pawns) and Stealth Ninja Chess (again main variation using recommended pieces to drop).
Feel free to veto prematurely if desired!

There is one more game that I'm working on, having done more playtesting on this than any other, called Titan Chess with a 12x12 board - should have it posted by next week. That would probably be my 3rd game.

I would recommend Toulousain Chess as well but my 3 choices are up .

Unfortunately, I cannot commit any time to a real time event ..(
but I am definitely available for this tournament.

Donut Donut wrote on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 10:47 PM UTC:
I`m in

je ju wrote on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 10:54 PM UTC:
Rich, regarding the iago world tour...sounds cool.

Won't be able to speculate on when the Pot Luck may end until we know the
number of entrants.

Currently we have committments by:

Joe Joyce
Charles Daniel
Donut Donut

Jeju is organizer, carlos is running tech side of things.
Donut is my son, getting involved in variants for the first time.
Joe and Charles are 'at least two people entered into it,
excluding the organizer or whomever is running it', so I guess the
tourney is eligible for iago world tour if we think it'll be done by

7 more days to add participants!

Rich Hutnik wrote on Tue, Apr 1, 2008 12:49 AM UTC:
Ok, you can finalize the details, and get this nailed down.  Then decide
whether or not it will be on.  We can actually add it to the IAGO World
Tour after it starts, it will just be late getting on.  If it feels like
it is done before November, that is good.  Having it go into 2009 would be
an issue though :-).

Anyhow, I will let you finish up the details.  All that is needed is that
the event produces a winner, then I would need to know the number of
players total (don't need report that anywhere else except in the Tour
grand total), and also who won (their name) and their City and Country
(possibly also State if in USA).  Having a nickname is also cool, and can
be added.  Like saying 'Donut Donut' is the winner, but need the name
:-).  I would say nicknames are even encouraged for marketing purposes.  A
user name can serve as a nickname here.

juan rodriguez wrote on Tue, Apr 1, 2008 12:53 AM UTC:
please throw my name in the ring too

je ju wrote on Tue, Apr 1, 2008 12:02 PM UTC:
Currently registered:

carlos carlos
donut donut
Joe Joyce
Charles Daniel
juan rodriguez

Hoping to get 8, 10, 12 or more

George Duke wrote:  'We think two games in ''real time'' would be
more exciting [with or without
kibitzing] than any one
whole tournament over months or year.'

Agree with the statement, but know that I would not be able to commit the
blocks of time needed for such an undertaking with any regularity.

George, are you interested in joining the Pot Luck?  We'd love to have
you join us.

As well as all others...c'mon folks, step right up and join!

George Duke wrote on Wed, Apr 2, 2008 04:47 PM UTC:
Okay, Jeju, I will bring Rococo and Altair and if a third required, t.b.d.

je ju wrote on Wed, Apr 2, 2008 10:51 PM UTC:
Excellent, George.

Currently registered:

carlos carlos
donut donut
Joe Joyce
Charles Daniel
juan rodriguez
George Duke

Hoping to get 8, 10, 12 or more...

Five more days to register

Rich Hutnik wrote on Wed, Apr 2, 2008 11:00 PM UTC:
je ju, when you happened to finalize this, please make sure we have a web
page people can land on to learn about the tournament, and have it link
back to the IAGO World Tour site.

je ju wrote on Sat, Apr 5, 2008 01:36 AM UTC:
Reminder that Pot Luck 2008 registration will close at midnight GMT, April

Currently have 7 players.  Really hoping to add one, 3 or 5 more.

Sounds like fun!

je ju wrote on Sun, Apr 6, 2008 12:41 PM UTC:
Reminder that Pot Luck 2008 registration will close at midnight GMT, April

Currently have 7 players.  Really hoping to add one, 3 or 5 more.

Sounds like fun!

Charles Daniel wrote on Sun, Apr 6, 2008 03:15 PM UTC:
Consider emailing all chessvariant members with an invitation to join the
tournament.  They may be many who have registered emails with this site
but are quite inactive.

And -- is anyone going to bring orthodox (FIDE) chess into this

David Howe wrote on Sun, Apr 6, 2008 03:29 PM UTC:
re: emailing all cvp members

I do have a list, and would be willing to send out an email (probably
emails, since I'd have to break it up into sections). I try not to send
emails out very often, but am willing to do so in this case. Just let me
know what you'd like to be in the email. Thanks!

juan rodriguez wrote on Mon, Apr 7, 2008 02:09 PM UTC:

If you'll allow them, I'd like to bring these games to the table:

Bachelor Chess
Switching Chess
Hostage Chess

Thanks and good luck!

je ju wrote on Mon, Apr 7, 2008 11:03 PM UTC:
Pot Luck 2008!  Registration Deadline has passed, 7 entrants.
We are now at the stage where participants name the game or games they
would like to play in the tournament.

You may bring one, two or three games.

Each game must be named by April 14th.

From April 14th to April 21st there will be a veto period.  Four veto
votes will disqualify a game.  The person who suggested that game will
have an opportunity to name a replacement.

Please don't veto until the veto period begins.

To name your games, simply add a message to this thread with the game(s)
you want to play.

There is still room for one more, so if an eighth player wants to join,
first to claim space is in.

je ju wrote on Mon, Apr 7, 2008 11:04 PM UTC:
juan rodriguez chooses :

Bachelor Chess
Switching Chess
Hostage Chess

Graeme Neatham wrote on Mon, Apr 7, 2008 11:27 PM UTC:
OK count me in

Rich Hutnik wrote on Mon, Apr 7, 2008 11:58 PM UTC:
Please let me know what the final page will be that I can point the Tour
calendar to regarding it?

Joe Joyce wrote on Tue, Apr 8, 2008 12:39 AM UTC:
Now we are 8. :-) Great!
The first game I'd like to bring is the original Grand Shatranj. After
that, I'm having a hard time deciding, and am getting darned greedy. And
Atlantean Barroom Shatranj should be a quicker game than Great Shatranj. 

Was going to stop right there, but Lemurian Shatranj would also be faster
than Great Shatranj, and now I've already mentioned 4 games. So I'd drop
Great Shatranj [and mention Joshua Morris' Kozune]... help!

I'm guessing we might change our picks before the veto period begins, and
maybe we could put this on a wiki page. [Especially if it's to be an IAGO
World Tour event, it should/*has to* have its very own page. I believe
this event would be considered a Chessvariants Email Athlon Event - the
first ever.] Anyway, my choices [for now, anyhow] are:
 Atlantean Barroom Shatranj 
 Grand Shatranj D 
 Lemurian Shatranj


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