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Nightriders can give rise to some interesting chess situations. For example: White: Kd2, Pe2 Black: Kg8, Rd8, Nh7, Pd4 Black to move (N=nightrider) 1. ... Nf6+ 2. e4 dxe3(e.p)+++ Which results in an unprecedented triple check. Example #2: White: Ke4, Rc4, Ne1, Nf2, Pf4, Pg5 Black: Ke6, Qa3, Rd7, Re7, Pf7, Pg6 White to move 1. Nc2+ Kd6+ 2. Kd4+ Ke6+ 3. Ke4+ Kd6+ 4. Kd4+ Ke6+ 5. Ke4+ Kd6+ etc. This results in forced mutual perpetual check, which means that the players have no choice but to continue delivering checks indefinitely, unless the draw-by-repetition rule is invoked.
'The grasshopper was invented in 1912 by the well known fairy chess problems composer T. R. Dawson from Britain. It is one of the two most used fairy chess pieces in problems; probably tens of thousands fairy chess problems have been composed using the grasshopper.'
A chess variant featuring grasshoppers has also been invented: Grasshopper Chess.
''I have never done anything 'useful'. No discovery of mine has made, or is likely to make, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, the least difference to the amenity of the world.'' --G.H. Hardy 'A Mathematician's Apology' There are fewer variantists than there ever were. Every thinking person was a variantist in certain cosmopolitan areas and universities during 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. Mentioning problemists at Charles Gilman's M&B05 reminds of T.R. Dawson. The link shows Dawson has 5520 fairies and 885 direct mates. Direct mates are Orthodox, like the premier puzzlist -- with Dudeney -- Sam Loyd specialized in direct mates when it came to Chess. Until there is strong connection again between OrthoChess and CVers, the obscure languished field of CVs will remain static and continue to lose depth. The premier variantist Dawson has nary a rules-set, but invented NN here, Grasshopper, Maximummer, Vao, and addressed until his death in 1951 an interested public with them worldwide in his regular chess columns at mainstream 'British Chess Magazine'. The outpouring of eulogies testified to his reach when variants, so-called fairies, in chess were still popular. Of course Dawson's was bygone era before television, let alone Internet, and the general dumbing down.
nightrider a LINE-PIECE invented by W.S. Andrews in 1907 and first used in FAIRY PROBLEMS in 1925 by DAWSON, who named it (perhaps after Nightrider Street, adjacent to the place where he attended Problemists' meetings)...
Cavalier Majeur960
This existed decades before Uray M. János rediscovered it in 2013.
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