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XX: Pleiadic Diacaustic. Missing description[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝George Duke wrote on Thu, Apr 16, 2009 04:11 PM UTC:
''Are we not drawn onward, we Few, drawn onward to new era?'' That whole question is a palindrome that chessists Lewis Carroll or Sam Loyd would appreciate. There are 42 letters (like Hitchhiker's) for the 42 lines in each CM. Like ''never odd or even'' it reads left to right or right to left, heh, symmetry. 'e to the (pi*i) equals minus 1' Euler realized over 200 years ago. It's less afield than a typical Gilman association to connect logically e with Rook (base 10 or base e), pi with Bishop (circling pathway), i with Knight (el otro numero), and Falcon minus 1 (the crux).

💡📝George Duke wrote on Mon, Jun 8, 2009 11:10 PM UTC:
Here's this thing in the central Pacific the size of Texas. No one talks about it, and it is now twice the size of Texas. Garbage. Marine pollution of floating debris, suspended plastic, the great Pacific garbage patch. Ocean currents in rotational pattern of North Pacific Gyre draw waste from coastal Japan, China, USA. Seabirds there a million years, and some ten million years feed plastic down the throats of the young and they choke to death by thousands, thinking it is fish. Bye bye, Albatross. So, after hiatus of maybe another year CMXXI will pick up with Queen's lines here: ''The changing climate face on planet Earth:/ Though blood run red, who may be good as dead?'' Why should not Chess be tied to things good, kind and lacking cruelty? Environmentalism as theme already having been developed, and Pacific Trash Vortex needs amplification along with climate change per se. ''Humane'' is the one word in our vocabulary that carries its own contradiction in terms, an oxymoron in one word. Try dumb and dumber.

🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Thu, Mar 17, 2016 07:34 PM UTC:
I changed the itemid for this page from MPxx:pleiadicdia to MSxx-pleiadicdia, because MP is for Game Courier presets, and the colon wasn't working well with the semantic URLs. Since the hyphen wasn't working any better, I fixed up the 404.php page and then changed the regular expression in .htaccess to allow both hyphens and colons when extracting an itemid from a semantic URL.

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