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Despite a slight revision to it, the interactive diagram is still not working.
Despite a slight revision to it, the interactive diagram is still not working.
Now that we are mostly recovered from the CentOS-8 disaster, perhaps an editor can re-apply the fixes for this Diagram: remove the trailing spaces on the white/blackPrefix and the graphicsDir. And move the K in the description of king to just before the preceding colon, as it is now in the image-name field, while it was intended to be the Betza move description.
Also, the start location of the black Left and Right probably has to be swapped.
Okay, I corrected the interactive diagram again. Is there any way I could make it use the Alfaerie pieces, so that it would match the images used in the Pieces section?
Sure, you can use any piece set you want. Just change the setting of graphicsDir to the directory where you have the image files, and graphicsType to the extension these use. And possibly white/blackPrefix, although I think that for Alfaerie these are also w and b. And you might have to change the squareSize, depending on how large the images are (in pixels). Finally you might have to change some of the image-file root names in the piece descriptions, if these do not correspond between the sets.
Thanks, I followed your instructions and made it use the Alfaerie pieces. I copied them to the directory for the game, so that all images would be in the same directory.
The images of the black Left and Right do not seem to fit their move well. Where the white Left and Right have Rook images that are rotated in the direction of the sliding move, the black images are rotated away from it. I think it would be better to swap the images. This makes the initial setup look strange, but the initial setup is actually strange, also w.r.t. the moves of Left and Right. Which for white are towards the board edge, but for black are towards the center. This is suspected to be an error, but only the author of this variant will be able to tell what he meant.
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The interactive diagram in the Setup section of this page is not showing any pieces.