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About "perpendicular": Oops! I've updated the description now.
About the word "Chess" in the title: I lean towards keeping it. After all, this variant has stepping, riding, knight's leaps, chess style capture, promotion on the last rank, and a same-size checkered board. Also, the way the Chicken's rider ability appears at the edges, while being more like a pawn in the middle of the board, I think reminds of the typical situation in Chess.
Thank you for the icons!
I changed my mind and changed the name of the game to "Chickens and Dragons". It's a good name.
Thank you very much HaruN_Y for the interactive diagram! It seems to have required some rather ingenious usage of Betza notation trickery!
Thank you're welcome! By the way, if you can edit the Swapper Superheroes page again and there's still swapper pieces keep disappearing bug, then try replacing betza.js with betzaNew.js or betzaFlex.js.
I can test it out in preview mode, but not edit the page permanently.
"betzaNew.js" seems to fix the problem indeed, thanks!
Win condition is a bit unclear, as is it reads that producing a dragon is enough to win.
I've updated the wording about the win condition.
I also incorporated HaruN Y's interactive diagram into the page itself.
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This looks quite interesting! Only three small notes:
1. The table header uses the word "perpendicular," which means (at a 90 degree angle," so I was looking for pieces to be at a 90 degree angle to the way the piece moved. The main text uses "opposite," which is more appropriate.
2. The game certainly is enough of a chess variant to go on this site, but I don't think it's close enoiugh to use Chess in the name. (I don't feel strongly about it, so if you leave it as it is I won't complain.) I'd lean more toward Contextual Chickens, Chickens In Context, or Chickens and Dragons.
3: I'm pleased to see you using my Chicken and Dragon icons. I'm very glad that I could be helpful in that way. :)