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Carrousel Chess. Circular chess using reflecting bishops & squirrels, not Bs & Ns.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Wed, Dec 7, 2016 04:03 PM UTC:

You don't need to explain all the rules on this page. This is just a jumping off page for a Game Courier preset. The appropriate place for the rules is the rules page, which you can link to from here, and the preset itself. On this page, the diagram should match the preset. If the dark squares should be two different colors, you can do that in the preset.

💡📝Kevin Pacey wrote on Wed, Dec 7, 2016 08:01 PM UTC:

Hi Fergus

My quandry is, I'm now thinking I should show actual reflecting bishop & squirrel figurines (rather than bishop & knights figurines) in the Introductory page setup diagram (i.e. as in my preset's current setup diagram). However, I recall the Diagram Designer doesn't support circular chess types of diagrams (I also recall attempting to make such a diagram). I've yet to learn another way to make such a circular diagram, excluding within a preset itself.

I'm not sure how fussy I should be. For example, the setup diagram on the Introductory page to the regular Circular Chess preset has the files labelled, while the diagram for its preset has no such labelling (presumably due to a technical problem doing so); otherwise those diagrams are the same. Potential good news in my case is that I discovered that the Auto Utrecht piece set found within the Diagram Designer seems to have matching figurines for the setup diagram that I used on the Introductory page to my preset, but there is still the vexing matter of whether to use reflecting B & squirrel figurines, instead of minor pieces. If I did, the Auto Utrecht piece set lacks these pieces' exact figurines, though I might consider using upside down minor piece figurines for them instead, if I used the Auto Utrecht piece set (or I could omit the Introductory page setup diagram entirely, as other folks have done in the past). P.S.: I decided against this; I duplicated the Introductory page setup diagram perhaps as best I could, as far as the Preset setup diagram went, which I think is what you were requesting.

💡📝Kevin Pacey wrote on Sat, Dec 10, 2016 09:57 AM UTC:

I've edited my previous comment.

P.S.: I did so several times more. Regardless, I think I did as you requested.

🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Sun, Dec 11, 2016 08:39 PM UTC:

You don't need to use the Diagram Designer to make a diagram that looks like the preset. All you need to do is render your Game Courier diagram as an image, download the image, and upload it to your membergraphics directory, or take a screen shot with a graphics program, crop it to the diagram, and upload that.

💡📝Kevin Pacey wrote on Mon, Dec 12, 2016 10:20 AM UTC:

In case you missed it Fergus, the setup diagram in my preset for Carrousel Chess is now (and was before your last post) looking like the setup diagram on my Introductory page for it, thanks to Game Courier preset diagramming that I did. If that's not turning out to be acceptable, I don't know how to do what you suggested with your last post, as bad as that sounds. in that at the least I don't know where/how to access my membersgraphics directory (or alternatively, what is cropping, assuming I may have a graphics program somewhere?; I've also never tried to upload to CVP).

I regret I didn't save the setup diagram that I originally had for the preset here, with reflecting bishops & squirrels, and I'm slightly depressed about the idea of redoing that, not to mention the idea of waving goodbye to the effort of making the current preset diagram as well.

💡📝Kevin Pacey wrote on Tue, Dec 26, 2023 02:34 AM UTC:

Attention editor(s):

When you have time, there is a misspelling of 'squirrels' in the description of this preset page of mine (within the database, i.e. the index information, I think). The 'u' was left out - please fix the following, which reads:

'Circular chess using reflecting bishops & sqirrels, not Bs & Ns.'

[edit: it's been done by someone - thanks.]

🔔Notification on Tue, Jan 30, 2024 02:15 AM UTC:

The author, Kevin Pacey, has updated this page.

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