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Since Ai Ai and Ludii both use Java, I ran a game of Chess against them. Ai Ai won. Since Ai Ai and Zillions-of-Games both run on the computer, I also ran a game between them. Zillions-of-Games won this one. I have uploaded the MGS files Ai Ai records games in: Ludii-vs-AiAi-at-Chess.mgs and ZoG-vs-AIAi-Chess.mgs.
I then ran a game between the Interactive Diagram and Ai Ai. This was a very close game, eventually coming down to a Pawn race in which Ai Ai had a Rook and two Pawns, and the Interactive Diagram had a Bishop and two Pawns. Ai Ai eventually won: ID-vs-AiAi-Chess.mgs
- d4 Nf6
- c3 d5
- Bf4 Bd7
- Qb3 Bc6
- Nd2 Nbd7
- O-O-O Nh5
- Bg5 h6
- Bh4 g5
- g4 Nhf6
- Bg3 Bg7
- h3 h5
- Ngf3 hxg4
- Nxg5 Bh6
- hxg4 Nxg4
- Bh3 Bxg5
- Bxg4 Rxh1
- Rxh1 Bxd2
- Kxd2 e6
- Rh8 Nf8
- Bf4 Qf6
- Rxf8 Kxf8
- Qb4 Ke8
- Bxc7 Qg5
- f4 Qxg4
- Be5 f6
- Bd6 Qg2
- Bc5 Kd7
- a4 b6
- Be7 Bxa4
- Bxf6 Bc6
- Qe7 Kc8
- Qxe6 Bd7
- Qe5 Kb7
- Bg5 Bg4
- Qe7 Kc6
- Qf6 Kb7
- Qe7 Kc6
- Qf6 Kb5
- Qe5 Kc4
- Qc7 Kb3
- Qe5 Kxb2
- c4 dxc4
- Qb5 Ka1
- Qa4 Kb2
- Qb4 Ka1
- Qxc4 Bxe2
- Qxe2 Qxe2
- Kxe2 Rf8
- Kf3 Ka2
- Ke2 Kb3
- Kd3 b5
- Bh6 Rf6
- Bg5 Rd6
- Be7 Rd7
- Bc5 b4
- f5 Ka4
- Kc4 b3
- Kc3 Rf7
- Kc4 b2
- f6 b1=Q
- Kc3 Rxf6
- Bxa7 Rf3
- Kd2 Qd3
- Kc1 Kb3
- Bc5
Since Ai Ai beat the Interactive Diagram at its default settings, I raised the Interactive Diagram to 4 plies and tried again. This game ended in a draw by three-times repetition, as called by Ai Ai at move 60. Apart from that, the Interactive Diagram was ahead in material and might have won with better endgame play. Here's the MGS file from Ai Ai: ID4-vs-AiAi-Chess.mgs. At move 60, I let the Interactive Diagram, which had been playing White, continue as Black, and I took over as White, eventually checkmating Black.
- c4 Nf6
- d4 e6
- Qa4 Be7
- Nc3 Nc6
- Be3 Bb4
- O-O-O Bxc3
- bxc3 Ng4
- d5 exd5
- cxd5 Nxe3
- Qe4 Qe7
- Qxe3 Qxe3
- fxe3 Ne5
- Nf3 Ng4
- Rd4 Nf2
- Rg1 c5
- Rf4 f5
- Nh4 Ne4
- Nxf5 Nxc3
- Nd6 Ke7
- Nf5 Kd8
- Nxg7 Nxd5
- Rf3 Nb4
- a4 Kc7
- g4 d5
- Rf7 Kd6
- Rf6 Ke5
- Nh5 Na2
- Kb2 Nb4
- Rf7 b6
- Nf4 Kd6
- Rf6 Ke7
- Rg6 Nd3
- exd3 hxg6
- Nxg6 Ke6
- Nxh8 Rb8
- Ng6 Bd7
- Nf4 Kd6
- Bg2 d4
- exd4 cxd4
- Ne2 Ke5
- Be4 b5
- a5 b4
- h3 Rb5
- Ra1 a6
- Ng1 Be6
- Nf3 Kf6
- Nxd4 Re5
- Nxe6 Kxe6
- Bf5 Kd6
- Kb3 Ke7
- Kxb4 Rb5
- Kc4 Kd6
- Be4 Rc5
- Kd4 Re5
- Ra2 Rb5
- Ra3 Ke6
- Bf5 Kd6
- Be4 Ke6
- Bf5 Kd6
- Be4 Rb8
- g5 h4
- Ra2 Rh8
- Rh2 Re8
- h5 Re5
- h6 Rxa5
- h7 Ra4
- Ke3 Ra1
- h8=Q Re1
- Kd4 Ra1
- Rh6 Kc7
- Qg7 Kb8
- Rh8
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In How Ai Ai Got its Name, I learned that the significance I thought it could have was completely wrong. It would be a good name for a romance anime about robots, because Ai could mean A.I., as in Artificial Intelligence, or could be a Japanese word for love. But, no, that's not what the name means.