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![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
Very good!
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
actually.. if you are a real fan of bobby fischer, you would have heard how the real set up goes.. all pawns are in the exact same spots king is placed in same position.. all other pieces in back row are shuffled but there must be at least 1 piece of 1 kind on each side and on the opposite side like a mirror same goes for black.. mirror of whites side
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
This is a nice article, but it's frustratingly vague
about how to castle (making it hard to actually play given the
information here).
I've examined the rules available on the web, including
translations, and based on them written my own summary
of Fischer Random Chess that I think is clearer.
Please feel free to see my summary at
<a href='http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/Fischer_Random_Chess.html'>
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
I think your method favors positions with the king near the edge of the board, relative to the standard method.
This is because, since the king has to be between the two rooks, it's more likely to be closer to the center than to the edges. If the king is on the b1, there are only 6 combinations of squares the rooks can be on, while if it's on c1, there are 10 possible sets of squares for the rooks, and on d1, there are 12. (The fact that bishops must end up on opposite colors muddles things a bit too--it means that the king and two rooks are less likely to all three end up on the same color than they would be without the provision that bishops must be on opposite colors--but I can't think of a good way to explain this in detail without making this post much much longer than it already is.)
To look at it from a brute-force perspective, if you simply count up the king positions out of <a href='http://www.chessvariants.com/diffsetup.dir/fischer-random-fen.html'>all 960 possible setups</a>, you will find there are:<p>
108 setups with kings on b1 & b8<br>
168 setups with kings on c1 & c8<br>
204 setups with kings on d1 & d8<br>
204 setups with kings on e1 & e8<br>
168 setups with kings on f1 & f8<br>
108 setups with kings on g1 & g8<p>
The standard method gives an equal probability to each of the 960 setups .
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
Hello guys !
I found this article extremely helpfull.
I have implemented all rules and created a playing program.
It is web-based and free of charges.
Come and take a look at DC PlayZone :
<a href='http://www.digichess.gr'>http://www.digichess.gr</a>
<b>Marountas John<br>
<a href='http://www.digichess.gr'>www.digichess.gr</a>
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
The rule of castling is not correct (last line of text). Please compare to <a href='http://www.smirf.de/Mirror/Compu/FullChess2_e.html'>Castling</a>.
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
Fischerandom association: http://www.Fischerandom.narod.ru Welcome!
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
I found a simpler procedure to set up Fischer Random Chess. It doesn't require computers, dice, or lookup tables: (1) Put the eight white pieces in a bag. Draw them one by one and place them on squares a1, b1, ... h1. (2) If the bishops are on the same color, look at the following pairs: a1-b1, c1-d1, and e1-f1. Swap the leftmost pair that contains a bishop. (3) If the king is not between his rooks, swap the king with the closer rook. All 960 legal positions are equally likely to result from this method.
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
Can you prove it? I don't see that all the positions are equally likely? What if your bishops are at g1 and h1?
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
Oops, my bad. There are 28 ways for the bishops to fall into the home row: 16 ways are Fischer-legal and 12 aren't. So there is no possible one-to-one mapping of illegal positions to legal ones. To be totally unbiased, my Step #2 would have to say, 'If the bishops occupy the same color, start over.' My Step #3 is OK, though. For every legal arrangement of king and rooks, there are exactly two illegal ones.
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
I have long thought that the restriction of having bishops on opposite color squares is unnecessary. Why not let that be a strategic decision for each player? Maybe White will attempt to control squares of one color by placing both bishops on that color. Maybe Black will be content to balance the control of the bishops? Similarly, why restrict the King to be between the rooks? Maybe let each player 'castle in advance' by tucking the K away in a corner.
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
You will find a nice freeware tool of a FEN-editor for Fischer Random Chess including a position generator at the following Link: <a href='http://www.rescon.de/Compu/FullChess7_e.html'>FullChess
FEN-Editor</a>. Some ideas on chess algorithms and Fischer Random Chess could be found at this site too (English and German).
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
I played a game like this, and I liked it. Oh, and I set it up using David Coffin's method. Moussambani, g1 and h1 are different colors. what's the problem?
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
By the rules you have here, white can castle a-side. Can he legally? 8/8/8/8/8/8/8/4NRKR w - - 0 1 white can castle h-side in this next position, yes? 8/8/8/8/8/8/8/5KR1 w - - 0 1 If the answer to the first question was yes, how about this position? 8/8/8/8/8/8/8/4nRKR w - - 0 1 does a piece occupying a square constitute that piece checking the square? Thanks, Landon
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
a very nice item. I just want to make a comment. I think Fischers chess is realy good, but would have one thing different: as there is no kingside or queenside as such (the k and q being setup randomly ) it would be better if you cuold castle the same on both sides.....ie the king ends up on g1 or on b1. In standard chess castling q side has the disadvantage that king is nearer the centre and has tl be moved to protect the a pawn. Leettting him castle deep int the corner would encoutrage opposite side castling which leads to lively game sswithbsimultaneous attacks on bith wings in my experience. A very nice article thank you very much
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
<p>Sorry, the FRC castling rules has to be commented again, because they are not absolutely correct described here. For those who want to redefine them: remember that classical chess has to be compatibly included!<br>
I have tried to rewrite the FRC castling rules in a shorter but equivalent form at my homesite: <a href='http://www.rescon.de/Compu/fullchess3_e.html'>FRC Castling Rules</a> and something more around that theme (in english / german).</p>
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
Beware: The castling rules for FullChess are _NOT_ the same as the rules for Fischer Random Chess. This is clear from the Spanish ruleset. I'm sure both games are enjoyable - it's just important to note that they are different. If you happen to get the orthodox initial position, it doesn't matter, but in other positions the difference could make a difference.
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
A clarification: in Fischer Random Chess, the kings and castling rook are
<i>not</i> allowed to jump over any pieces except each other.
I've talked with Eric van Reem about this, and he did <i>not</i> intend to allow piece jumping, though I think you could easily read his rules and think that piece jumping is allowed (and the chessvariants page is baed on van Reem's rules). In other words, the rules of FullChess are a correct (and a better stated version) of the Fischer Random Chess rules.
For more information, along with a nice simple explanation of the rules,
<a href='http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/Fischer_Random_Chess.html'>see
this page on Fischer Random Chess</a>.
I suggest that this chessvariants page be updated to give clearer rules
that forbid jumping during castling, since it
appears that its promulgators don't intend to allow piece jumping
during castling at all.
No, Larry, you are mistaken. I have them right. a-side castling is Queen-side, and h-side is King side. The a-side is the side closer to file d, where the Queen begins in Chess, and the h-side is the side closer to file e, which is where the King begins in Chess. Also, item f of Fischer's own description of the rules matches what I have said.
Sorry, I've been playing a lot of Shogi lately and I got switch around on the starting cells of the notation. ;-)
Fischerandom Chess email Club http://frcec.tripod.com/ FRCEC rated games via Game Courier! To play your rated FRCEC via Game Courier, advise your Chess Variant ID when you setup your FRCEC match. You will be assigned an FRCEC Match Number, and a the FRCEC moderator will setup the match at Game Courier for you. You will receive an email from Chess Variants confirming the match details, and you can now start your game with Game Courier. To join FRCEC, send an email to: frcec-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
You now will find my 10 German/English Web pages on Fischer Random Chess at:
<a href='http://homepages.compuserve.de/rescharn/Compu/fullchess1_e.html' title='The FRC Site'>The FRC Site</a>. Here you will find an overview of a new FRC book (to be published July 2004) in German language 'Fischer-Random-Schach (FRC/Chess960)' as a German language PDF document:
<a href='http://homepages.compuserve.de/rescharn/Down/FRC_Materialien.pdf' title='FRC Book Overview'>FRC Book Overview</a>. The downloadable freeware FRC FullChess FEN Editor Version 1.4.0 (German/English) is described at: <a href='http://homepages.compuserve.de/rescharn/Compu/fullchess7_e.html' title='FRC FEN Editor'>FRC FEN Editor</a>.
My Web pages have moved to: <a href='http://www.chessbox.de/Compu/fullchess1_e.html' title='The FRC Site'>The FRC Site www.chessbox.de</a>.
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