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Rich Hutnik wrote on Fri, Mar 23, 2012 05:14 PM UTC:
I wish the subject header could be longer, to be able to label this

Anyhow, the basic idea here came out of pondering a game situation where a
player isn't able to win by normal means.  In short, they see a game is
heading towards a draw.  Pondering this, I came up with an idea, which is
simplified below:

Assume that normal FIDE Chess scoring applies initially.  A player would
normally score 1 point for a win and 1/2 point for a draw (none for a loss).  

The idea for the tweak is that a player, if they feel that they won't
win, but game will go for a draw state, is to end up (at the end of the
turn) declare that they see this first.  At this point, the scoring in the
game would be that if the player declaring this wins or draws, they get 
1/2 point.  If they lose the game, their opponent gets 1 1/2 points.  

One can also give one player a 1/10 point advantage for a draw (their
opponent gets none), before some player declares this.

The idea here is to accommodate what is normally a draw in a game, in a way
that is interesting.  I am up for discussions of any tweaks for this.  An
idea I had (to complicate things) is that a player could vary what it is
worth (in 1/10 increments) for a draw.

Comments are welcomed here.

Charles Gilman wrote on Sat, Mar 24, 2012 06:54 AM UTC:
'(none for a win)'
Presumably that should be (none for a loss).

Rich Hutnik wrote on Sun, Mar 25, 2012 02:45 AM UTC:
Original post edited.  Apparently I meant to add that in the revised
scoring no points would be scored if a player lost, but messed it up

George Duke wrote on Sat, Mar 31, 2012 03:19 PM UTC:
Hi Rich. That scoring suggestion is no more radical than Lasker proposed
almost 100 yrs. ago. When standard chess becomes 8x10 or 10x10, the Draw
problem should be revisited in advance. There are many other solutions than
scoring tweak. How about one, where after 40 moves, players can mutually
agree to the Counter-Draw phase. That could mean from move 41 on, any
non-captured piece may be dropped from forward position to back rank
vacancy, in lieu of a move. Or then after that, Draw phase II would promote
Pawns remaining to Amazon for Move 51 on; and so on for other proposals
that would be understandable to regular gms.  The object is decisive game either 1-0 or 0-1.

Joe Joyce wrote on Sat, Mar 31, 2012 05:02 PM UTC:
If you really want to force decisions, make draws a half-point loss for
each player.

Kenneth Fourcell wrote on Sat, Mar 31, 2012 09:10 PM UTC:

Forgive my intrusion -

I do not understand this whole line of discussion. Chess is a game of
either a win or lose, much like war; one side win, or one side losses.
Though I have played chess (in the pass) and have drawn many games, I have
always considered it a win or loss and the scoring comes down to material;

p = 1, K = win, Q = 9 . . . and so on.

If either side has no material then neither side gains a point, right?

Please, again, forgive my intrusion; I just needed to get a better
understand of what is being discussed and why.


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