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Chess on a Longer Board with a few Pieces Added. On a 10 row by 8 column board, with three new pieces. (8x10, Cells: 80) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
David Cary wrote on Tue, Dec 5, 2006 03:02 AM UTC:

'the Knights can no longer move on the first turn'

If someone insists that Knights must be able to move on the first turn, the first solutions that came to my mind are:

  • * Initally place *all* the pawns on the 4th rank (on both ends), rather than the 3rd rank (this would probably speed up the game opening), or
  • * Initially place the pawn at C3 (blocking the Knight) at C2 instead, eliminating the mysterious 'empty gap' in the initial position.

Abdul-Rahman Sibahi wrote on Sat, May 5, 2007 01:53 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
You can add the following unique properties for the Rook and the Bishop:
* The Rook is the only piece that has a special move with the King, and 
* The Bishop is the only colorbound piece.

Jeremy Good wrote on Sat, Aug 18, 2007 08:40 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
I like David Cary's suggestion about pulling back a couple of pawns as an ingenious way of allowing the knights to develop immediately.

One might add the following consistent changes to go along with it if one were to try to implement that variant of Chess on a Longer Board with a Few Pieces Added:

1. Specify that those two pawns that start on the second rank can make an initial two or three step move (with the usual e.p. rules applied to the extended initial move).

2. Switch Withdrawers with Changelings and have them start out as Halfling rooks rather than Halfling Bishops. This to prevent any piece from audaciously striking out before pawns.

[Scratch what I said here initially as it doesn't address the issue at hand which is how to construct a variant with immediate development of knights. David Howe's kind reader's original idea of allowing knights an initial camel move is quite excellent too.]

[This game is very nice btw, quite excellent.]

Anonymous wrote on Wed, Dec 22, 2010 04:26 PM UTC:
Does a pawn promote to a wall? If so, how?

💡📝David Howe wrote on Thu, Dec 23, 2010 02:12 PM UTC:
Good question. I hadn't thought of it. I would say, a pawn can promote to a wall, if at the time of promotion, the promotion square has an empty square to the immediate right and/or left. The wall would then be placed on the pawn's promotion square and the empty square.

Kevin Pacey wrote on Thu, Feb 23, 2023 10:40 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★

Note that in the setup of shogi (a Classic game) none of the knights there can move, either.

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