Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Nicholas Wolff wrote on Tue, Oct 6, 2009 02:01 AM UTC:
I have a quick question that somone may hopefully be able to answer (John
Smith, you may be the subject matter expert on this from what I have

I haven't really posted the two newer versions of the game, but some of
you are intimately familiar (mostly becuase I force it down your throats)
with my variant I am almost completed with: Wildest Kingdom Chess (WKC
III).  Well, it really doesn't have much to do with chess, it is just kind
of a strategy board game.  Myself and my boys are working on creating an
actual board and pieces for this, but I want it to look professional.  We
are designing what needs to go on the board, but I want to have it
professionally done by a company so that it looks like a board you would
pull out of Candyland, Stratego, or Chutes and Ladders.  My questions are:

- Does anyone know of reliable companies that can do this?
- How much would you imagine the cost being?
- How long would it take to set this up?  (My goal is to have it done by
November, though I am pretty sure that isn't feasible).
- Do they work with individuals that are overseas?  (I am in Japan)

I have tried to google for hours, and all I get is ways to make boards out
of posterboard and foamboard.  I want this to look real, though.  I found
one site that said he just cannibalized an old game board and used his
design, but I don't think I possess the patience to line it up correctly,
especially when my boys and I will be creating 62 pieces by hand.  

The type of work I am looking for is for me to send in a design and have
it come back on a board.  Is this possible?

Thanks for all of your help!

Joe Joyce wrote on Wed, Oct 7, 2009 11:25 PM UTC:
Hey, Nick - hope the typhoon missed you, and all is well there. 

What sort of board face and pieces did you have in mind? There are
companies that sell blank white boards so you can do it yourself, and there
are people like myself who can handcraft professional-quality boards, but
you can also pay a company to do it start to finish. It depends on what you
want to spend, and what you're doing for pieces. I've done some research,
and am currently assembling a hundred boards for a game to demo, market
test, and sell. Email me, and we can discuss it.

Nicholas Wolff wrote on Wed, Oct 7, 2009 11:38 PM UTC:
Hey Joe!

Thanks for the comment!  The typhoon did miss us, but it impacted mainland
Japan pretty hard, I hear.  We did get some gnarly wind and rain.  My wife,
of course, is really upset that it hit us.  She has this obsession of being
in every type of natural disaster and living (hurricane, earthquake,
volcanic eruption, etc).  We did wildfires last year lol and growing up in
'Tornado Valley' we both have seen our fair share of those.

I am not looking to spend too much money on the board, but I am not afraid
to drop a little dime into it.  Basically, I want just a regular game
board.  I was thinking about cannibalizing a Candy Land board that we have
lying around, but I don't know if I can make it look nice.  If you have
some time (I know it is getting late there), you can feel free to email me
at becuase I am not at home and we can discuss
propositions.  I might even be willing to throw in an authentic Shogi (once
I find one.  They are hard to get on Okinawa) or Changgi (If I find one
when I go to Korea this month) board.  I already have a Changgi board, but
the quality isn't that great.  It was like 15 dollars.  Email me and we
can work something out :)  Thanks!

Nicholas Wolff wrote on Thu, Oct 8, 2009 09:30 AM UTC:
Joe, don't email me there, now.  I am at home and my regular email will
suffice.  Thanks!

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