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This message also serves as a test as to whether I can post to a thread, as I am currently unable to post comments on game/piece pages. This is because any attempt that I make to sign in fails. Any chance of bringing back the previous system, at least as an option?
Hello, Fergus. I have become an unperson. I suspect some will applaud this. :)
Charles, Since you signed in to post this message, it's not that your every attempt to sign in is failing. The problem was with the page for commenting on items, and it is now fixed.
"Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site Operation aborted"When I click OK I then just get the standard "This page cannot be displayed".
Does this help?
I opened up that page in Internet Explorer. I'm using version 8 on Windows XP. What version and OS are you using? Curiously, the header doesn't look right, and the menu doesn't work right on that page when opened in Internet Explorer. But it works fine in Firefox, and the header and menu are fine on other pages viewed with Internet Explorer. The same problem exists for some of your other pages, though not for all of them. This rules out the lengthy size of the Related Pages>Same Inventor submenu. I did not fix it by moving or removing the JavaScript on this page. The same DOCTYPE is used for a page that does work. So it's not that. Removing the page content between the header and footer doesn't help. So it's not that. This problem is not limited to your pages, and it is not universal. So far, I have not identified any common denominator, and I have not been able to fix it.
Removing the HTML comments in the HEAD and pre-HTML parts of the page has fixed the Ecumenical Chess page. The Korean Chess page was having the same problem for a different reason. Adding the same DOCTYPE as Ecumenical Chess uses fixed that page. To avoid this problem on other pages, the page should have a DOCTYPE, and HTML comments should be avoided before the HTML declaration and/or within the HEAD declaration.
1) mgawalangmagawa-cvgameroom-2012-113-540
because the pages are incomplete.
Fergus: could you please fix it?
By other part, in my Person Information page I cannot edit my email address ( because there is a sort of lock.
David Howe: could you please fix it?
Thanks in advance for both!
Your PersonID is CarlosCetina, not sissa. The latter is your UserID. You will find the correct link to your Person Information page, which uses your PersonID, to the left of the message you left, linked to your name. Game Courier wants your UserID, which is sissa. When I posed as you to Game Courier, I could move in each of the games you listed. Since I don't have your password, I could not verify and send moves, but I could make moves and preview them. In a test game between fergus and duniho, I tried to move as duniho, and I'm being told that I must be signed in to move even though the previous screen tells me I am signed in as duniho. [EDIT: I got it to work before fixing anything. So I'm not sure what the problem was there.] What is the specific nature of your problem? Can you preview but not send a move? Or are you unable to even preview a move? Note that the URLs you gave do not include your UserID. These URLs are just for viewing the game and will not let you move from them. Your UserID needs to be included in the link before you can move. You will find this link under your name when you enter your UserID on the Logs page.
"Since you signed in to post this message, it's not that your every attempt to sign in is failing. The problem was with the page for commenting on items, and it is now fixed."
I noticed this sentence only as I was posting my last message to this thread, and you appear to have misunderstood what I was reporting. The problem that I have been having is not being able to get past the page that says "You must sign in before you can post a comment. You have three options for signing in." when I click to post a comment on a variant or article. None of the options work for me. I do not get this page when I try posting to a thread, and so can post successfuly. I do still get it when I try posting a comment on a page - and still cannot get past it (I tried and failed again just bedore posting this). When I try my registered ID and password I just get asked to sign in all over again. When I try signing in anonymously I get "The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again.(reCAPTCHA said: incorrect-captcha-sol)" I do not have a problem with entering my ID and password every time I comment, but I have a big problem with not being able to reply directly to specific comments.
Since subject threads are limited to registered members, you aren't given the three login options when posting to them, and it still functions like it used to before. Here is the difference in what is happening. When you post to a subject thread, it consults the login function directly to determine whether you can post. This function will check that you have entered the correct password for your userid, and it will create a session for you. But whether or not that session stays around will not affect whether you get to post your comment to a subject thread. But when you try to comment on a page, you are given three options, and since some of these options require verification with an external site, you are required to login before you post. If you sign in as a member, it does not use the login function but instead brings you to login/cvplogin.php, where it creates a session for you. To check whether you can post your comment, the session it has created must be active. If you are blocking cookies, it may be unable to tell which session is yours, because it uses a cookie to identify your session. Make sure you can accept cookies from this site. If you are accepting cookies from this site, and it is still not working, let me know, and I will see if something else might be the problem.
Regarding the "Person Information page" issue, you are right: I wrote the URL wrong. But I have another problem that I will explain tomorrow.
I can preview moves in all the games you linked to. Are you unable to move with the mouse? Or are you even unable to enter a move by writing its notation? When you try to make a move, what happens?
There is a new procedure for changing your email address. To change your email address, click the Change Email link at the bottom of the page. This will send an email message to you, which you must respond to to verify your new email address.
The header in Game Courier is gone (where you could click on 'Rules', etc. /Mats
Those links have been moved to the menus in the header. Most are in the left menu in its Game Courier submenu, and "Your Games" can be found by hovering over your name in the upper right corner when you are signed in.
I have fixed a bug in the login function that would stop new sessions from being created. I replaced "session_destroy(); session_start();" with "$_SESSION = array()". This clears the contents of the session without trying to start a new one, which may be undoable once content appears on the webpage, because it may involve changing the value of a cookie.
In the three cases mentioned the pages are incomplete. It appears only the board to the left side; above side the “†logo joined to the banner promoting Game Courier; below the board the “Click here to view, print or download the image shown above†link; that’s all. There are no buttons nor boxes nor nothing else. I suspect this is relationed with the fact that I have none registered email address since when I launch an Open or Personal Invitation the pages are similarly incomplete and at the bottom say: “Although you are a registered member of, you have not provided us with an email address for you. You cannot use this script to play games by email until we have an email address on record for you.†Now then, the other problem I have is that on the "" page, appears deployed “the†menu covering the box in which one have to write the new address. That "phenomenon" also occur in many other pages of this website such as - - - - - - - And in all and each of the GC's logs when I do click on them either as visitor or as user. I do not think this is because the computer I use since I access the internet from various cyber cafes. What do you think?
Don't know if this has been pointed out, or whether this is a good spot to do so, but ... I've noticed that the drop-down menu appears and stays on several pages, without having run the mouse over the Chess Variants logo. In fact, it does so at the Comments page. This also blocks the view on many other pages, making it difficult to read some. Probably just a simply initialization error in HTML. I could go look for it, but I'm getting old and find I don't really have time for the small stuff. ;)
Larry and Carlos, What browser are each of you using, and what version of that browser?
I'm using regularly Internet Explorer version 8.
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