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RalphBetzaSpeaks[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
George Duke wrote on Mon, Dec 5, 2016 07:50 PM UTC:

Here are some gems from Ralph Betza in days of yore:

History. That one happens as the 513th comment in this system now over 33500. Betza's "variant skill" would have to be split realistically into ten or twenty or more categories. Magnus Carlsen, it was said by grandmasters in last month's match, has not fared well at Fischer Random Chess. He is only good at the hoi polloi seven-million-times-played Simpleminded Chess. There is no guarantee who would continue within the top if they tried changes in the Rules on 8x8 or variant boards 8x10, 9x9, or 10x10. Presumably some of the top ten would struggle at Shogi or Xiangqi or Go. Betza claims to be better than Fischer would be let's say at Orthodox Chess and Chess Different Armies; Betza would have to say he might take on Carlsen if allowed to play both games.

Also under Chaturanga, John Ayers describes a proto-Chess historically evident with Jumping Rook limited to "three squares" at a time when they counted the starting square:


George Duke wrote on Mon, Dec 5, 2016 09:34 PM UTC:

Here is Betza on Chess Different Armies:


The original topic of this name was years 2009-2011:

Betza. In one of those was recalled Betza on Go: Go. Of course just this year AlphaGo slaughtered Korean Lee Seedol -- far more memorable mind sport event for year 2016 than another f.i.d.e. tournament we had last month with pre-tiebreak score well in favor of again Draws 10, Carlsen 1, Karjakin 1.

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