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Fergus, the summary prefix is used for entries such as "The Last Mourning". The summary is set to "Last Mourning" and the summary prefix is "The". This allows entries to be listed in proper order. There is no good reason for the prefix field to display after the summary field, and I cannot remember why I did it that way. In any case, please feel free to change it if you'd like.
Is the SummaryPrefix value actually being used? I entered a test value for my Episcopal Chess preset, but when I looked at its listing in the index, it wasn't to be seen.
Assuming it is used, suppose I place a comma between the two form fields, and replace the text input used for SummaryPrefix with a select-option list of articles with none as the default. It could include "A", "An", "The", and some foreign language articles, "Ein", "Eine", "Das", "Der", "Die", "Un", "La", "Le", "Les", and "Al".
Considering articles, I suggest the following additions: Une (french) L' (french) Les (french) Il (italian) Gli (italian) Lo (italian/spanish) Los (spanish) Las (spanish) De (dutch) Het (dutch) Een (dutch) I think it is a good thing to ignore articles in subject ordered lists. Traditional german library instructions do exactly this.
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