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15-50-500YrsAgo[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
George Duke wrote on Sat, Oct 19, 2013 05:49 PM EDT:
What was happening 10 years ago?

Where is the cook in Halloween Chess? So small as 3x3 must be cooked, broken, flawed, but probably no one has yet even looked.

Halloween is of course 31 October, as is anniversary of Houdini's death.
As Reformation Day from 31.October.1517,, the date conforms closely to
the 500-year-old origin of Modern Western Chess.

Also ten years ago this month, new designer Charles Gilman's,, Gross Raumschach.

Then also none other than Antoine Fouriere's Ravioli, Http://, ten years ago
Tuesday, Fourriere of the adjacent comment Bilateral Chess.

Charles Gilman wrote on Mon, Oct 21, 2013 01:47 AM EDT:
Thanks for drawing my attention to Ravioli Chess again. It predated Man and Beast 12, of course, but having seen it again - and more detail of Pizza Kings, to which the Ravioli Chess page has a link - I have added to the piece article accordingly. Mentioning Ravioli Chess is the least that I could do given its own link to Grossraumschach!

George Duke wrote on Sat, Nov 2, 2013 03:40 PM EDT:
What was happening 50 years ago? Halloween is over, where last comment were found several 10-year-old memorials relating to Chess and CVs. The next relevant Chessic milestone this new month appears to be 50 years ago, in that on 22.November.1963 was President John Kennedy's death by assassin.

Bill Wall's researches uncover: Pres&Chess. There the USA Presidents having well-known Chess skill or involvement include avid player William Jefferson Clinton and polymath Thomas Jefferson.

Strong Chess player was Rutherford Hayes, the first of the six Presidents from Ohio over 1877-1923. One of the others from Ohio James Garfield was not only strong Chess player but mathematician with this proof of Pythagorean Theorem: Garfield's_Proof. Garfield was one of the three Presidents killed by bullet from 1865 to 1900, as was Kennedy 1963.

Statesman Benjamin Franklin wrote "The Morals of Chess" in 1779 pre-USA a decade before the first President and forming of USA republic with its Constitution taking effect March 1789: Morals_of_Chess.

George Duke wrote on Tue, Jul 14, 2015 08:19 PM EDT:
What was happening 15 years ago to the day?, Neto's Promotions and
Demotions. Also the next couple weeks 2000, Duniho's Wormhole,, and Citadel originating in 1930s,

George Duke wrote on Mon, Jul 27, 2015 01:32 PM EDT:
What was happening 20 years ago to the day?  There are only tens of
articles that say "1995 or 1996." Ultima above was one of those first 
that go back to 1995. When I learned about CVPage summer 1996, there were
items that had been up for about a year. The earliest CVPage material
appears to be turning 20 years old exactly. Abbott's Ultima the game 
turned a round fifty itself in 2012.  Abbott weighed in couple of times still
self-critiquing his own popular CV. It's not a game of power pieces but
close positioning, Ultima, as even LL was not dominating on 8x8. Did Parton
use Long Leaper after Ultima, or did it resurface in Rococo 40 years
later?  No wonder Bodlaender would pick U. first year. I was able to
finish Falcon Chess patent, which ran 1997 to 2012, by researching Pritchard
1994 'ECV' and CVPage 1995- (to date), as well as Dawson's writing til 1951 or 1952 in British Chess magazines.

John Lawson wrote on Mon, Aug 10, 2015 10:14 PM EDT:
I started coming here in late 97 or early 98, when we got our first home
pc. I find it amazing that it has been nearly 20 years.

Joseph DiMuro wrote on Sat, Aug 15, 2015 11:37 PM EDT:
John: I've got you beat by one year. Glad to know I'm not the only one in
the "old fogies" club. :-D

John Lawson wrote on Sun, Aug 16, 2015 09:19 AM EDT:
I think there a number of old fogies that are no longer active, but check
in occasionally and will comment if something they were involved in comes

George Duke wrote on Mon, Aug 17, 2015 12:10 PM EDT:
John Lawson has no worry because he has immortality,, assured in the
Pizza Kings, even when he turns 100. Never mind that it's lopsided to the
Pizza Kings.  Let's see P. K. turns 14 this fall or it may have been around a few months earlier than the write-up, having premier variantist Ralph Betza weigh in. Year 2001 or 2000 was right at the start of a decade of unsurpassed proliferation of CV forms.

To catch up with what went on a decade, try David Howe's 'Concise Guide' of 2011,, as well as Charles Gilman's M&Bs, still undergoing small revisions.  Since proliferation culminated in those two, Gilman's summarizing about all that can be done, it's good it happened and the present era/decade seems for retrenchment and evaluation.

There may be solutions to Computer dominance within CVPage whilst hackneyed 500-year OrthoChess is on its last gasps.   Deep Blue triumph nears twenty years too, and you don't hear the drivel from f.i.d.e. religionists since then that one-way 64 squares is inviolable (nor Shogi and Xiangqi). These two threads, one for 10 years and the other for 15 years, are also to avoid reinventing the wheel, retrospective filler whenever there is less current.

John Lawson wrote on Tue, Aug 18, 2015 06:05 PM EDT:
Pizza Kings is more like immortality-lite. I should have written up my
Nemoroth variant, based on bodily functions, but it would have grossly
violated the CVP's G rating. And I do mean "grossly"...

George Duke wrote on Tue, Nov 17, 2015 03:02 PM EST:
What was happening 1500 years ago? Archaeology. GoddessChess used to run dozens of these archeological finds until that Chess website was disrupted by death of its webmaster. Only fraction of Goddess Chess historical material has been restored, but the original Weave from the 1990s of Chess-like origin in antiquity under Goddess Chess does remain here and there. The above recent discovery is type of find they would regularly report. Goddesschess.


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