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You should define separate pieces, with and without the sideway move, and then promote the latter to the former when it reaches 5th rank trough a morph.
I don’t know how to embed morph. It is probably not enough to write just morph, but something else.
Well, it is explained here. Just write morph=... on the line after the one that defines the piece, with ... a FEN-like representation of the board, indicating on which squares it promotes to what.
Please help. Where to write morphing, after which line and with which symbols, after or before, I should embed it?
Why would you need morphing for this variant? This is just a number of pawns all promoting in the same way in a regular zone, right?
Xiangqi pawn.
Ah, I see. Define different Pawns for each side of the River, and if X is the piece ID of the fsW type write on the line below the definition of the fW type morph=X/X/X/X (meaning it morphs into X on the furthest 4 ranks). Then convert the Diagram definition to GAME code.
All is cool, but I master GC preset.
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Only thing, can anybody help me to let Xiangqi Pawn move sideways only on other half?
А так почему бы нет?