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Jester chess
Omega chess plus
Jester Chess v.2
Superpower Chess
Random Superpower Chess
Army of tencubed
Random Army of tencubed
Dropped Shinobi
Random Dropped Shinobi
Ultra Tencubed
Can a game really be balanced with such a numerical disparity?
Yes, I have made some test and both side can win
FantaZoo Arena
Brothers Challenge
Brothers Challenge v.2
One of the best games on your comments’ wall, both v1 and v2. You can add Astras (XBetza AH) to the corners and you’ll get v3:) Or not Astras, but Indices{Dragons} (FafafsfF) to Whites and Oxen (nDafafsfW) to Blacks.
Thank you very much, I see what I can do :)
Brothers Challenge v.3
Brothers Challenge v.4
Powerful Nine
Random Powerful Nine
Protector Chess
Random protector chess
Grand Rush
Random Grand Rush
Grand Grand Rush
Random Grand Grand Rush
Great Arena
Fool Chess
Random Fool Chess
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Squirrel Chess