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In the following is what I did for images and names for this game. I had tried a diagram representation. Unfortunately the 50x50 pixels of the images need to be split in a 9x9 grid leaving little room for things to happen in one grid cell. That is because the longest path mover moves 43&41 and some bent riders bend after the 3rd step. The excepting for that is the joker. The joker is represented by a big J. That got me thinking about making instead images with 2 letters from the English alphabet. What do you think about this? Also if you have any suggestion on how to improve the images I'm listening gladly. I am not talented at this nor imaginative.
Just the Bishop.
The Rook.
The queen.
The king.
The Pawn.
The berolina.
The kinghtrider.
The chinesse cannon.
The joker (imitator).
The vulture (a 41&43 falcon).
The knight of this game(NmZ).
The mameluk (WL).
The siege elephant (FAH).
The caliph(BL).
The dragon (a ferz then rook).
A unicorn (BNN).
The firebird. A Bishop3 then rook that can also step like a wazir.
The thunderbird. A rook2thenbishop that can also step like a ferz.
Thanks for reading all this! I await your reactions.
I think that for moves of more than 2 squares it gets difficult to tell easily what the move is exactly on those tiny diagrams. There's a lot of redundancy in your images because everything is repeated 4 times, or more.
If you really need to represent the pieces with their movements, try doing it more abstractly.
Using letters would be ok if you can't get good images. Maybe just use letters for things you don't have images for yet.
Dear Aurelian
Personally I'm not fan of abstract design indicating the moves. Even when simpler than yours. It is extremely confusing for my brain to see more than one at once and if of course I understand the logic behind, I cannot play at all with them. For example the ones used here: I cannot play with that. Hopefully not everyone is like me.
I have updated the images on all three variants below. The are now just characters. Please take a look and give an opinion!
where is the link to see the images?
On the comments below!
I guess I don't see the same page as you. I look at it from the Explore>Comments. There I see no images and no link to another page
Try the comment made a few days ago by me on this specific topic. And also on Grand Apothecary Chess alert and Grand Apothecary chess classic. This means:
Quite mysterious for me. The 1st link doesn't work. The 2nd and the 3rd show the same thing. I suspect that you are posting comments on a page which I can see because I'm not an admin. I can only see your post in the Explore>Comments page.
I try to guess. You want an opinion on a proposal of pieces' icons which are either symbolising the moves or showing a letter.
My opinion on moves-based icons is I don't feel at ease with them to play with. On letter-based icons, I think they have several drawbacks, they are mostly valid for English-speakers, they are affected by the direction from where they are read (same as some are complaining for shogi's pieces).
The second and third links are very similar but different. I have made pictures with letters, but I'm not very proud of them! Thanks for your interest Jean-Louis!
Exact, very sorry, I had not looked carefully enough. What is your purpose for designing those pictures?
They will represent the pieces in my new Grand apothecary chess with it's 3 variations alert, classic and modern. I'd prefer to make them alllfaerie style but I have no tallent. So I chose those or the simbolic ones. I have 5 pieces missing from allfaerie.

Are you sure the rather extensive Alfaerie: Many set doesn't have what you need? If not, what do you feel you're missing?
I need a Valkyrie, a firebird, a thunderbird, a giant and a cyclops!

OK so for the birds (I assume based on previous comments that ‘thunderbolt’ is a typo, though I suppose md or something suggests some kind of energy) I'd go with either modified bird pictures (things like _PA_cd, _PA_wa, _PA_wc, _jc_af, !aaf, !aak, !aaw ⁊c) or something which suggests the move (so the likes of _JG_bgr, _JG_bspgr, _JG_co, _JG_gr, _JG_ha, _JG_raa, _JG_rc, _JG_rcd, _JG_rcflaa, _JG_re, _JG_rspaa, _MLV_si2 ⁊c.).
The humanoids could, given their moves, also draw from the same set as the birds, or you could just go with the various human heads (ge, maybe th or ch, _MLV_ge, _MLV_ma ⁊c) — as far as the cyclops is concerned, you can only see up to one eye at a time(!) Alternatively _MH_ge kind of looks like an eye.
As for the Valkyrie, idk how I'd represent an actual valkyrie so I'd suggest some kind of augmented bishop. _MH_b, _JG_ap2b, or _JG_apb2b perhaps?
Thanks for your suggestions. I'll take them into consideration.
I need a Valkyrie, a firebird, a thunderbird, a giant and a cyclops!
I made two of these using art I found on the Internet:
Also don't bother with other pieces as I have renamed the Cyclops and Giant to tiger and lyon.
Fergus, I don't see them in alfaerie many though.
Fergus, I don't see them in alfaerie many though.
Since the most appropriate labels were not already taken by other pieces, I added them as fb/FB for Firebird and as tb/TB for Thunderbird.
I redid the Thunderbirds to make them look good on both light and dark backgrounds. I did this by anti-aliasing them against a grey (#808080) background.
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@Greg, May you please tell me what is the RGB for the colour #f9f9f9.