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I think the 'Ghost' actually was a Ralph Betza invention, decades before Chess 2 used it, in the game The Black Ghost.
Yes, though I ended up crediting Chess 2 since the piece is directly lifted from that game, including the fact that it cannot be captured.
The Ghost piece in the game "Black Ghost" can be captured, making it weaker than and very different from the Ghost in this game. So it is more like the Chess 2 game.
The game of "Pole Chess" has an uncapturable piece called the "Pole" which could go anywhere on the board, Piers Anthony mentioned this game and this piece in a science fiction novel in 1988. {Piers Anthony's description mentioned that there was one special circumstance in which the Pole could be captured, but he never described and apparently never worked out the "Pole-capturing" rule.} There is an article about Pole Chess on this website, as well as my own Zillions implementation of the game.
I think I would probably change the pawns to be just normal pawns (and do a shogi/grand chess-style promotion zone). I investigated some opening positions a couple years ago, and with the weird pawns there were just some really strange semi-forcing situations with cannons. I'll probably edit this into the actual page at some point but I'm too lazy atm!
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Can you castle?